SOE art featured in new Exotique 6 digital annual

SOE has 10 selections in the newly released art annual Exotique 6, including 3 reproduced as full page pieces.
This international annual celebrates the best digital character art from the world’s top artists.

The chosen entries are (left to right and top to bottom):

Legends of Norrath: Summoning Trainer
Derek Herring

Legends of Norrath: Weapons Master
Derek Herring

PoxNora: Tortun Heavy Repeater
Slawomir Maniak

PoxNora: Ailurite Brother
Slawomir Maniak

PoxNora: Stitched Seamstress
Jakub Kasper

PoxNora: Grobel Surplus
Jakub Kasper

PoxNora: Stitched Concealer
Jakub Kasper

Legends of Norrath: Aggressive Advance
Steve Argyle

Legends of Norrath: Erudite Necromancer
Fred Rambaud

Legends of Norrath: Black Widow Stance
Mike Pedro

Art Directors for the images:
Bryan Rypkowski and Roger Chamberlain

-Joe Shoopack “Rystall”
Director of Artistic Development

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