SOE has tons of gamers around the world! Every week we highlight one of them. This week we are pleased to introduce: Morituus*from EverQuest

Where in the real life world do you live?


What SOE game(s) do you play?


How long have you played the above game(s)?

11 years

What other games do you play?

Anything from the main Final Fantasy line, Modern Warfare 2, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet

What type of work do you do?

Roofing/construction. Minister.

Do you listen to the Official SOE Podcast? What do you like best about it?

No.* I have a friend who likes to listen to various podcasts while he’s at work, but unfortunately that is not an option for me.* I suppose I could listen to them at home, but my wife is on my case enough as it is.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

I used to play EQ a few hours a day.* Lately I’m lucky if I get to play a few hours a week, unless being afk counts as “playing”.

In the SOE games you play, what kind of character do you play? Race/class/Rank/Faction, etc.

High Elf/Wizard.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

Growing up playing games on the old NES.* You had to play a lot, cause when you got together with friends you didn’t want to be the loser of the group. I probably enjoy FPS games the most.**I never was into RPG’s and stumbled upon EQ by accident basically, but for some reason I can’t seem to shake my addiction to it.* I did play the original Final Fantasy as a kid, but only became a hardcore fan of the series*because of Tifa from FF7.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing video games?

Used to play baseball and tennis growing up. I also used to love going to the movies with my wife. Every year I used to hand pick several movies that we’d make a special effort (you try and stay out til 3am, then report to work in 3 hours and go running around on roofs without falling off) to go see the midnight showings for. To me, it’s all about the crowd. A good crowd could make a bad movie tolerable, and a good movie great.

Now that we have 3 kids, we don’t really do this. If I beg, I might be able to convince her to do this for an established franchise. My favorite crowds are Star Wars (the movies may have disappointed, but the fans are the best), followed by Harry Potter (they always dress up and are game for fun), and then I guess the Twilight groupies (can’t stand the movies, but the reaction of all the females in the theater whenever Jacob takes off his shirt is worth the price of admission). Rocky Horror Picture fans should be mentioned, because their devotion to that movie is legendary, but I’ve never actually been to a showing so I can’t say that it’s a personal favorite of mine. I can’t stand Trekkies. I almost started a riot at the most recent Trek movie (and I actually liked the movie itself).

Lately my parenting duties have taken up most of my free time, so currently I don’t really have any hobbies other than changing diapers and washing bottles.

What is your highest level character?

85 wizard

What’s the first thing you do when you log into game? Do you have a routine?

Yes. I usually log in when I get home from work so the routine is fairly consistant. I fire up the computer, log into EQ, then go AFK for a bit. I sit down and read the most current issue of Entertainment Weekly that we have.

First thing I do is check if there’s a Games section this week, which there usually isn’t. I then move on to the Bullseye page in the back, then I flip around to find the Must List, and then skip to the Hit List for good measure. If I have time, or if I’ve already read those on a previous day, I take a look at the Movies section to see what they say about some of the current releases. If that’s done, then I’ll skim the issue for anything that looks interresting. When I’m done with stuff that looks interresting, I just go to the beginning and start reading everything in order.

When my wife starts to inquire about why I’ve been in there for so long, I hop in the tub to take a bath. When she starts to inquire about why I’ve been in the bath for so long, I hop out and put on some underwear. Then I go back to the computer and see if anyone’s been talking to me over the last hour. When that’s all sorted out, I go afk again (usually for the rest of the night) and either take care of the kids or start doing my chores (yes… chores).

I might get a couple text messages on my phone from my guild leader, but I usually ignore them. When it’s time for bed I check to see if anyone was trying to talk to me and see if they’re still on. Then I log off and go to bed.

How did you choose your main character’s name?

The original name violated SOE’s naming policy and was forcibly changed.

What is your favorite zone? What is your favorite location within that zone?

My House! 101 Market Heights, Spruce Island,
Bertoxxulous. Read more about Morituss’ home here.

What is your favorite NPC? Why?

Xegony.* I think you know why.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

What is the most volume of currency I’ve ever spent on something in-game? Hmm… I’m not sure. Probably somewhere around a billion.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

No.* I need every single thing*that is stashed away in my bank and inventory.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE game?

Tough one.* I’m gonna go with Morituus Day 2007 (or was it 2008… maybe 2006…* hell I can’t remember).* That year we did an entire 1.5 quest in one day for a new guildie who left one week later.* It’s either that or the time I got really drunk irl and proposed to my guild leader (he’s a dude), then*my wife found out and got mad so I spent the night in the bath tub (I was throwing up).

If you could have a superpower or a spell/ability from the game you play, what would it be?

Probably the ability to gate/port/translocate like an EQ wizard.* In addition to the obvious benefits that come with that (gate from the bed to the fridge, gate back to the bed, eat, gate to the toilet, translocate my poop somewhere else, gate back to the bed, etc, etc), I*would make a fortune transporting people and goods all over the place.

If there was one thing you could tell the SOE Community about yourself, what would it be?

I can’t think of anything to say that would get past the censors.


If you are interested in being the SOE Gamer of the month, look for*instructions here! We want to get to know more SOE Gamers, so send your submission today!

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