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Theldek is a simple tank and spank with a few adds thrown in. Theldek will aggro the second anyone touches the bar on the floor entering his room. The aoe's from Theldek are not too powerful at all so you could have everyone in your raid just pile right on top of him. Every 30-45 seconds scorpion...
04-26-2012, 05:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
Rhee'Gor is standing a few feet away from when you zone in, he is a non aggressive mob. When you are ready to fight run up to him but DO NOT touch him. He will go to the fire pot in front of him, do some flips and become hardmode like 5 seconds latter. As soon as Rhee'Gor's ritual is done he wi...
10-15-2010, 02:20 PM by Sanction
Krastas is Melee only: Any type of spell damage or debuff will deal massive damage back to you. Some ae proc abilities count as a spell. Keep an eye on what abilities you use or you may die alot. Odaufe is Caster only: Any type of melee will deal massive damage back to you. Once again check your ...
06-15-2010, 09:52 PM by Khatiru
Sir Rouland - Kurns x2 - Second Name Location Take the elevator up from main floor to the purple circular pad. When you step on this pad it ports you right beside the name. Carefully move away from him to the opposite edge. Bubbles During the fight the four grates will start to animate...
06-02-2010, 05:44 PM by Mindeen
Thet is a rather fun fight. The hardest part of this fight is calling out the proper curses and assigning people to the right spots. First, Thet is located in the pool of water invisibile. If you can send a FD'er down the hill alongside, out of raid, you can spawn him easily. Pulling Thet for the f...
07-04-2009, 11:16 PM by EQ-Raiders
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