Toxxulia + Vuulan
by Khatiru
Now, most raid guilds will have either Two Groups on Toxxulia and Two groups on Vuulan or they will put three healers into one group with a Dirge and Two Tanks. Either way works well but will more than likely depend on your DPS and how fast you can kill Vuulan. The strategy remains the same no matter how many tank groups you use.


Tox comes with Vuulan and needs to be tanked with 2 tanks... Vuulan does all the same things, eggs still have to be destroyed and adds still come. Handle Vuulan like normal but with three groups instead of 4.

Early into the fight Toxxulia will "eat" whoever she has targeted (Roughly 15 seconds into the fight and then every minute there after). You will see red text stating that she has swallowed one of the tanks. In order to get the tank back, a mage will have to use the Staff of Calling to summon an item on the ground, click the item and poof tank is back. One mage is more than enough to trust with doing this task. Do it with a Mage with high survivability. For example a MT Coercer or Illusionist.

Toxxulia will also drop a green bubble on the ground that will gradually get bigger. You will take damage in the bubble and Toxxulia will heal if any part of her is inside it. Toxxulia does have a knockback but it comes before the bubble drops. Toxxulia's script is very precise and none of the AOE's can be swiped.

You need to make sure that she doesnt drop a bubble on the eggs... and find 2 spots close together and yet out of the way of the expanding bubble, so she doesnt go out of control.

Bubble does massive noxious damage if you are hit by it as it expands. So you need to two tank spots that are not in range of the bubble at its largest diameter. There are several places for this, most notably near the front of the zone in by the door. (Evidenced by our Raid Video)

Toxxulia will always drop the bubble after the AOE Fetid Torrent hits and this is also around the same time Piercing Pestilence hits as well. Piercing Pestilence hits very hard for both noxious and physical damage at the same time. This is especially deadly if you are in front of the mob at all within 180 degrees of her head. You must place your raid at all times be somewhat behind her. Only the MT's will survive this AOE on a constant basis.

The key to this fight is burning down Vuulan ASAP to stop having to do the eggs and to have adds that raid stun from popping on you. Be sure to use the Charm item you got from the Toxxulia quest and use it to summon the NPC AFTER Toxxulia is Aggro'd. If you use it before Toxxulia is aggro, Toxxulia will fly away and you just wasted your chance to kill this mob.

After you get to the point of killing Vuulan and keeping your MT group alive its time to work on the movement of Toxxulia. Her pathing can be a little rough at times, but it is better to move Toxxulia in a straight line as often as possible.

After Vuulan dies, it is pretty much staying alive from Piercing Pestilence by not getting caught in front of Toxxulia.

Good Luck.
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EQ-Raiders 02-09-2011, 12:58 AM

Not every mob in SF has this trigger, but it increases a mobs attack power and generally will just cause you to wipe that much quicker.

dhexe69 02-08-2011, 01:43 PM

I guess the most bossmobs in SF will get more powerful if too much people die during killing them ....

Sude 02-08-2011, 01:39 PM

I believe the number is between 40 and 50, but it's only happened to us a couple times in almost 12 months, so it's hard to say exactly. It's a lot.

dctoph 02-08-2011, 12:23 AM

Quote Originally Posted by losty View Post
If you die too many times, you'll get a red message:

The accumulated deaths of your raiding party have energized Toxxulia, making her even more powerful!

It's been a while, but I think this healed her when it happened.
Does anyone know generally how many deaths in SF this takes, and / or specifically on Toxx?

EQ-Raiders 01-12-2011, 05:36 AM

grats guys

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