Jessip Daggerheart
by Drax Combined Rating: 4.0
This fight has a couple phases.

Phase 1:
Jessip will have text appear in (NPC Say?) that states "Jessip Daggerheart is attempting to sneak up on <player name>, but they haven't noticed". When this happens, the player chosen needs to target the invisible/stealth version of Jessip standing right behind them. This means that every player in the raid will need See-Invisible abilities on or be using Cat Totems. Easiest thing to do is hit your "Targest Nearest" hotkey. You must do this twice before the main named hits 75% or the raid will wipe.

ACT trigger to call out who needs to target:
<Trigger R="Jessip Daggerheart is attempting to sneak up on (?<Player>.+), but they haven't noticed" SD="${Player} Behind You!" ST="3" CR="F" C="Brokenskull Bay:Fury of the Cursed [Raid]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

Once you successfully target Jessip twice before 75% she will say "I can see I need to change my tactics."

Phase 2 (At >75%):
Jessip will say "I see you are on to my tactics... Let's change things up a bit!"

At this point, Jessip spawns two clones @ 30% health. The longer these are up, the more stacks of a buff (Prepared Alchemy or something similar) she gets, which makes a later attack in the fight hit harder. Burn these down as fast as possible.

Phase 3 (At >40%):
Jessip begins to use Prepared Alchemy, and begins draining mana as part of this. Fairly intensive mana drain, and damage from her AE "Skull and Bones" starts to hit much harder (at least it felt that way - may have just been enough time that it naturally ramped).

There didn't seem to be any other changes in fight mechanics after this point in the fight. Just burn hard and fast.
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Praetorian 07-20-2015, 10:31 AM


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