Morin and Barin
by aquareflections
Timed fight until you kill the first named. A few rules for this fight. Every 10%, the nameds emote and will target lock you to the named with the most HP. Add frequency changes based on your burn and which named has higher HP. If Morin is highest, Swashbuckler adds spawn. If Barin is the highest, Brute adds spawn. Both Named mobs trigger this, so if you burn them both at the same time, you’ll be dealing with 2 sets of adds. While brute adds have a knockback component, swashbuckler adds cannot be AoE’d down and must be directly targeted. Knowing how the adds work, you can pick which set you want to fight. Swash adds take way too much DPS off the main namer and usually trigger the timer fail condition. The 2 pools of water in the room make dealing with the knockback a much easier choice with the raid using splash damage to burn them down.

As the fight begins, split Barin off and have the raid stack up out of his line of sight. This will block him from being able to target lock your raid. We found it easier to place him and then adjust the raid behind a treasure chest or mine cart, as opposed to trying to place him in an area without line of sight.

While burning Morin, we had the target lock every 10% and adds every 20% beginning at 90%. We also had an extra target-lock/adds at 5%.

Once Morin goes down, adds stop spawning, but any remaining brute adds will put a damage reduction on Barin, so be aware.

Not sure exactly on the time you have for this fight. I know it was around 16 minutes when we wiped on our initial pulls. However, it seems that timer only exists until you kill the Swindler. Our initial kill had Morin dead by 12 minutes, but then took another 5+ minutes to finish Barin, but never triggered any fail condition.
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