Kigara and Kelana
by EQ-Raiders
1 tank on ice dragon with his group.
AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice)

1 tank on fire mob.
Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon)
Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth.

Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies.

The person that clicks the thing than has a few seconds to hit the mob to get rid of his effect.

Then move the fire dragon away. (at least 40 meters from the other group to avoid the aoe on the ice dragon). Everyone apart from the group on the ice dragon stands under the mob once in the new position.

Then burn the fire dragon. When he gets the effect again hold dps. Burn the ice adds again, click the thing on the floor. Finish him off.

Ignore the fire adds, just let the tank on the ice dragon get them.

Once the fire dragon dies do the same thing on the ice dragon.

Two more things of note. When the dragons have the effects placed on them there is a range limitation for your raid. You can't be farther than 9m from the Fire Dragon and you must be farther than 14m from the Ice Dragon. This will make your raid much happier while doing the pull.

The second thing is that the fire dragon does have a red text message that your raid must joust away. The dragon only gets this message when his effect is down.
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hathahrk 09-02-2014, 06:25 PM

OK thanks for the tip
We usually split the raid in two and place ourselves to the opposite corner behind the two dragon
Work well but sometimes we simply can't do a things, can't make a map right now ( I'm on my phone)

Demilitch 09-02-2014, 05:50 PM

This is how we position to try and keep the tanks from swapping hate and getting summoned.

Red: Fire Dragon
Light Blue: Ice Dragon
Magenta: Fire Dragon tank
Black: Ice Dragon Tank
Green: Primary raid force
Dark Blue: Ice Dragon tanks healers

hathahrk 09-02-2014, 09:01 AM

OK thanks, that what they already do but It was surely bad luck like you said

Demilitch 09-01-2014, 10:50 PM

Make sure your tanks are NOT using group or aoe taunts. Single target only, at least in the beginning of the fight. Sometimes its just bad luck, but what I just said usually does the trick.

hathahrk 09-01-2014, 10:18 PM

Just a little question:
sometimes the named keep on teleporting the tank on them , sometimes they don't.
we always use the same tanking spot.

Is there anythings we don't always do to prevent this ?

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