by EQ-Raiders
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Saphirewind 09-24-2013, 02:23 PM

Quote Originally Posted by tamorus View Post
The biggest problem our guild has is "heroic" scouts staying in on the red text and upping our death count so much, if we do have a mem wipe "incident" we are royally screwed....SCOUTS OUT ON RED
I swear the majority of my guild think that jousting AEs/red text is an exploit or some insidious device used in a government plot to brainwash and control them.

tamorus 08-20-2013, 02:13 PM

Basics of the HM fight are....

1. When tank calls in Mem wipe in 5 dps back off

2. 2 Defilers with Malicious Spirits negates his AE auto on memwipes when he frontals the raid.

3. every person in the raid should be targetting through Bastion so IF they get wiped to, they know and can run the mob back to the tank and by the same token be getting healed/warded by all healers

4. Use the water to move, never try to run right through, 6-10 people will die every time...Go in the water the opposite side of where the tank has to face the mob for the colours....Use Ancentral Channeling, Divine Guidance....Keep your group up

5. Get decent jewellery....IMHO just do it easy mode, kill Drinal 4S and go do SG though
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Quote Originally Posted by EQ-Raiders View Post
Yes. That really is the main issue with the fight. His AE auto attack is VERY STRONG. The mem-wipes are fine if he isnt one shotting squishy mages every time he turns around. 4 shaman are a definite must have in raid and at the very least 2 defilers rotating 'spirits' on each memwipe helps out ALOT.

Just remember though, your defiler need to toggle off 'Spirits' when the aggro is retaken. This will ensure a quicker recast of the spell.
Even with two defilers if you have triggers for the memwipe you don't need to toggle it off and also can keep it up 99.9% of the time between the two of you..I will always hit my spirits it I

a) See the mob wipe prematurely to a non tank or

b) When my ACT trigger calls Memwipe in 5...

If I somehow die on a run between sides...I call out spirits down in vent and the other defiler casts theirs.

The biggest problem our guild has is "heroic" scouts staying in on the red text and upping our death count so much, if we do have a mem wipe "incident" we are royally screwed....SCOUTS OUT ON RED

cindar 08-18-2013, 11:37 PM

As a Mt the longer the arcane is left uncured on me when the mem wipe hits the lower I drop on the hate list, If the healers are timing it right I can get cured fast enough to only use 2 snaps to get it back every time. However if the arcane sits a while I can blow thru every snap and not get it back(starting snaps after cured)

EQ-Raiders 08-18-2013, 11:21 PM

It is a single arcane detriment that is placed on his target called "Bastioned"

Jeff383z 08-16-2013, 10:24 PM

The reason some of you are having trouble regaining aggro after the memwipes is the detriment that is placed on his direct target. It precludes you from regaining aggro until it is cured. If you burn snaps during this time they will be wasted.

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