King Tormax
by EQ-Raiders
For this fight you will want to figure two spots, about 25 meters apart for your tank and raid to be. Tormax or the adds don't have any major knockback so this can be tanked in the middle of the room. It will probably easiest to have a pet class pull Tormax from his throne rather than have the tank run around.

Pull Tormax to position 1 and get a scout confidence debuff in on the incoming. 40 seconds after pulling two adds will spawn with the name 'a diaku warmonger'. These adds have Cooperative Strike so your OTs must be ready to pick them up asap or your tank on Tormax will die; target these adds and burn them fast.

Ever minute there will be a red message and a votex will spawn on a random raid member. Once the Vortex spawns your whole raid moves to position 2. If anyone stays in the vortex they become cursed with a health and power dot. If anyone is close enough to a person with a curse it will spread to other people of the raid. Make sure when moving between your two positions your raid stays together or you will have votex's spawning all over the place.

Cure all dots and the single target curse off the MT. Kill adds as they spawn and move between your two positions as the vortex spawns. Rinse and Repeat.
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Malice 07-16-2012, 03:29 AM

Anyone got differences with CM version?

ozbatov 02-06-2012, 01:42 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Sanction View Post
You have a limited amount of time to burn the anchor down before you wipe; once the anchor is done one of the ghosts disapears.
Have you assigned a group of dps (like ranged attackers) for that anchor or do you just burn it whenever it pops?

Sanction 01-12-2012, 09:24 PM

Quote Originally Posted by britniejoe View Post
Does anyone have any information on the HM version? We haven't tried it yet and need any information we can get

I honestly can't give too many specifics on the hard mode for this fight in the AoE names and timers but I can give an overview of how it should go.

Tomax himself is no different from easy mode and he still spawns giant adds just more of them. After the first vortex spawn two ghost dragons will spawn and one of them is linked to an anchor that will be on the ground just after the little dip in the center trail. You have a limited amount of time to burn the anchor down before you wipe; once the anchor is done one of the ghosts disapears.

Beyond this you just must burn the adds Tormax spawns, burn the dragon ghost down then burn down Tormax. The dragon has it's own set of AoEs, two of them I think.

britniejoe 01-05-2012, 07:56 PM

Does anyone have any information on the HM version? We haven't tried it yet and need any information we can get

EQ-Raiders 11-21-2011, 10:53 PM

Someone like to post information on challenge version?

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