Kraytoc Killingfrost + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Killingfrost is a rather easy mob once you understand what is needed to be done to win the fight. If your raid (specifically your fighters in this case) has completed the X2 zone you will be able to counter Kraytoc's buff he has on him. The buff isnt that potent for most guilds so if your guild was farming Wing three in UD you will probably not need to worry about this just yet for this guy.

The details about this fight are that there are attackable pillars on the outer edge of the circular platform that Killingfrost is on once he goes active. You can see where they will be beforehand by looking at the little out-croppings on the outer edge of that platform. Once aggro'd the pillars will shoot up in those places.

The pillars will only take damage if someone in your raid with a elemental is cured near the pillar. Put everyone in your raid AT THOSE PILLARS when you are clearing them. Killingfrost should be standing near one of the pillars when it dies as it will weaken him slightly when it explodes.

The reason you will be killing these pillars is that every 60 seconds or so Killingfrost will port to his chair and lower the giant spinning fanblade down on your raid from the ceiling. So you need to destroy those pillars so your raid can stand on that platform when the blades come down, and those blades come quickly.

The little trick to learn is that the platforms can only hold a certain amount of people. During the fight you will notice, if there are too many people on the platform, you will see a text narrative message that the platform shakes with overloaded weight but will support it. However, many people will get ported back to the center of the platform and will die. If you have too many on a platform when the blades hit the bottom your raid will die anyways.

You can only have 6 people on any given platform. So you will need to kill four of the pillars each time. The pillars will reactivate after you successfully dodge the spinning fan. So you need to destroy all four pillars once again after the fan comes down each time. The pillars don't have alot of HP but remember you can only kill the pillars if a member of your raid has the elemental and is near the pillar when they are cured of it. Just remember to tell your healers to NOT cure anyone until the raid has moved to the next pillar.

So, designate one platform for each group in your raid and make that the place they will run to each time. Make sure to get to that platform quickly when the port happens. Everyone in your raid will be ported to the center of the circular platform. Successfully dodge the blades and then once again destroy the pillars and do it all over again.

The Killingfrost fight is really a 60-second strategy on a loop. Everything that happens is severely scripted so it is easy to get into a rhythm on it.

Good luck!

Killingfrost drops class boots.

Challenge Version

The challenge version of Kraytoc has a few small differences compared to the normal version. The biggest of which will be with the pillars that spawn. You can no longer fit 6 people on one platform. You can only have 3 people per platform to avoid the spinning blades from the ceiling. There are 8 total platforms for 24 members of your raid. If you must kill pillars designate one or even two people per group to clear the pillars after each blade spin.

The second major addition is in the form of two adds that spawn after each dropping of the blades. There is an Assassin, who hits very hard and a Warrior, which taunts random members around him. Kill the assassin ASAP as his dps output is much higher. The speed at which you kill these adds will determine the outcome of this fight. If you can barely handle the adds you will never have enough DPS on Kraytoc to kill him. Drop these adds within 20 seconds if possible.

Finally, Kraytoc has gained a trauma deathtouch that will very quickly your MT. It will be best to have two tanks on Kraytoc for if/when your targeted tank dies from this trauma dot.

The overall DMG from Kraytoc hasnt been changed much but the adds and the trauma dot are meant to slow you down enough that your raid can't get all the pieces down to avoid the blades.

*Note: Most HM-geared players (3-4 pieces of HM gear) might not have to avoid the blades at all, just cure the trauma that hits you.

Good Luck!
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Quijana 02-05-2012, 07:25 AM

The death touch is called Ultimate Strike. It does 80k-100k focus damage every second to the tank.
The adds are called "rime master assassin" and "a rime shocktrooper".
It also helps to turn your autoface off so that you don't keep trying to face the mob.

blub 11-22-2011, 12:14 AM

they stay alive and the next group spawns in addition.

EQ-Raiders 11-21-2011, 10:32 PM

I don't believe the adds disappear if you leave up to just OT them.. I've always killed them. Can anyone confirm?

Sanction 11-18-2011, 01:32 AM

Pretty much working at intended. He mem wipes all hate on the port then chooses random people to go after. If everyone makes it to the center quickly upon seeing the trauma starting to hit people you can avoid most deaths.

blub 11-18-2011, 12:07 AM

HM kraytoc seems to ignore ALL aggrospecials/taunts after the port. working as intended or do i miss something important?

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