Haladan Enraged (Hard Mode)
by EQ-Raiders
Haladan Enraged will be a very frustrating fight to even begin to learn. The fight itself is pretty straight forward. Off tank both Haladan and Tuskers with a third tank grabbing the adds as they come. Joust the 3 AOE's. Pretty easy right? Wrong. Everyone mob in this encounter, including the adds, memory wipe and mem-wipe often.

The first thing you want to do is get your pull spot so your raid is not one shotted off the pull. You do not want to stand alongside the wall of this room for this encounter. Stay near the center if not THE very center of the room. Pathing and distance can be rather tricky in this room. AOE Blockers and/or Countersong on the first few AOE's will help with survivability as you get the mobs debuffed.

Once you have a solid pull spot the real fight begins. Do not be surprised to hear that this fight can last upto 30 minutes for some guilds the first time they do it.

You will want to have the best aggro tank you have on Tuskers. If you can spare two tanks it will be even better but remember you need to have DPS because even two tanks will have a hard time keeping atleast one person from dying. Which brings me to another point. Healers. If you want a easier time with all the aoe's and all the mem-wipes 4 shaman is almost a necessity.

There are 3 large AOE's to watch out for in this fight which means your healers and your dps will need to be on their 'A' Game.

Tuskers will mem-wipe every 30-45 seconds and Haladan will mem-wipe every 60 seconds or so. Tusker's places a curse on Haladan's target that will cause him to mem-wipe off that target. Typically Haladan will blur to the tank that tusker's is on but not always. The curse needs to be cured ASAP. If Haladan is on the same tank as Tuskers' when Tusker's Trauma hits your tank will lose BOTH mobs. You need to make sure these mobs are off tanked seperately as often as possible.

Expect 1-3 deaths when Tusker's mem-wipes the first few times you do this mob until your tanks get better a handling the mem-wipe. Make sure your healers and your bards res right away.

If you burn Tusker's quick enough, when he dies, there will be no more mem-wipes to deal with. Alternatively if you burn Haladan first you will not get adds anymore during the fight. Tusker's does have much less HP than Haladan so many guilds burn Tusker's first.

There are two kinds of adds that spawn during the fight. One x4 Dog and two x2 dogs. These adds mem-blur repeatedly while they are up. It would probably be best for a Paly or SK on these mobs. Burn them as fast as possible.

Melee DPS will need to get used to the possibility of very short burns in between jousts because there are 3 AOE's to get out for. Make sure these AOE's are Swiped at all times to improve your raids DPS.

If you only have three tanks to spare for this fight it will be a bit tricky but still very doable. Two healers per group will also help with the multitude of AOE's going off.

Dealing with the mem-wipe of Tuskers is the key to this fight plain and simple. Survive long enough to kill Tuskers and you will probably defeat this encounter. Make sure Tusker's is debuffed at all times and as often as possible. Tuskers like to use Mammoth Slam almost immediately after mem-wiping. You do not want this going off in the middle of your raid.

If your raid wants to help your healers, have your raid use Elemental Potions for Icy Torrent so they do not have to stop to cure anyone.

Deal with Tuskers and the Add's properly and you will have a good chance at victory. Haladan's wipe isnt that severe and all he does is hit very hard. When Tuskers reaches 25% health Haladan will gain a berserk ability that gives him AOE autoattack. You do want to have Haladan moved slightly away from your tank that is on Tuskers. He doesnt have to be far but you dont want your tank on Tuskers having to deal with extra damage.

The fight is simple in principle but will need much practice before mastered.

Good Luck.
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