Qxectus Qxectus
by EQ-Raiders
Qxectus is quite annoying. The main jist of the fight is that you will have to do this encounter with a constant stream of adds, and you will have to keep moving every 20 seconds or so.

When you enter his room you will notice there are two statues in this room. This is a key part of the fight.

The three pads on the ground will knock you up and around the room once the encounter begins so you will have to position your raid elsewhere for the pull...or be really careful.

Qxectus comes with three adds right off the bat that need to be burned asap. Throughout the fight he will spawn adds and they wont stop. You will have a maximum of six or so adds on your raid at all times. When one add dies, another will spawn at Qxectus.

These spawned adds can not be killed directly. If you target an add and attack it, you will spawn a worse heroic add that has the same stunning ability as Pentaclypse.. only on this fight.. it really sucks because of this next part. So you need a good AOE tank (paly or sk) to suck up the aggro on this fight for the adds.

Two people will get randomly frozen throughout the fight every 30 seconds or so. DO NOT cure these people. They need to be the closest people to the two statues in this room. If they are not your tank will die. The statues shoot a "laser" at the person who is the closest.. if they are not encased in ice the laser bounces off of them and one shots the tank otherwise it cures the person it hits if they are cursed. Now, you still need to cure the other person who is iced after the laser hits. So, this fight will be a constant joust with proper calls out where to go and who to heal.

Also, one person every 30 seconds or so will get another curse placed on them that basically stuns the player and summons a essence of the player as a pet for Qxectus. These can be quite annoying. This person needs to be curse cured as well asap.

With a few moderate AOE's (noxious and trauma) be sure to not be too close to Qzectus if you are too squishy.

Guilds do this encounter all kinds of ways, so there is not really a one best place to do it. Some will range the whole encounter and some will joust in and out trying to time the curse arrivals. You will have to play to your guild's strength on this one. (Lots of Ranged or Lots of Melee)

Good Luck
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