by EQ-Raiders
Gozak requires atleast 4 people in your raid to have killed Aiden and looted the Shard that drops from the Chest. (Chanters and Bards seem to be the preference to use the Shard on Gozak)

This Shard summons a pet that is controlled by the player that will tank Gozak. The Pet does massive damage but only lasts for 1min 30sec.

Just like Umzok you will be on a time limit with this mob. You need to be able to burn Gozak 30-40% for every pet you use.

The reason you need to do this is when either a Pet expires or is killed by Gozak his abilities get stronger. Also for every pet that you go through it will spawn an invincible add that you CAN NOT kill. These adds MUST be off tanked while your raid continues to burn Gozak. Since the adds are not able to be damaged the only thing a tank can do is taunt them so they will at times wipe off the tanks.

Gozak just needs to be aggro'd in order to use the Shard. The Kazarian Champion will always spawn in the same place in the area. The place it spawns is the post just opposite of Gozak. Many guilds will chose to tank him at the spot the Champion spawns and some will choose to tank him right where Gozak sits. Either way really works but it may be easier to get the mob back on the tank if you put gozak closer to the spawn location of the pet.

The Pet will have 5 primary combat arts that do alot of damage so aggro will not be a problem for the most part. Chances are the person who was controlling the pet will die unless feigned or deaggro'd positionally off of Gozak. Since a portion of the hate gained goes back to the player when the pet expires or dies.

So you might want to have the person who is doing the Pet be slightly away from the raid so Gozak doesnt jump the raid and land an AOE or two on you.

The only thing you can cure in this fight with a potion is Elemental. Everything else in this fight needs to be cured by a healer. Healers will not be doing much healing in this fight. This is a CURE fight. Cure Cure Cure.

Two tanks should be enough to keep 2-3 of the invincible adds under control. You will probably want 6-7 healers and load up on DPS.

Never stop burning Gozak and aim to get him dead before you get a 4th invincible add. By that time the adds will be too hard to control and Gozak will be hitting really hard.

You basically have less than 5 minutes to win this fight.

The added bonus to this fight is the curse he puts on players. The curse comes about every 15-20 seconds and if not cured within about 10 seconds will port players to the entrance of the zone. If a player gets ported they might as well zone out because they will not survive the run back to the fight. Setup cure rotations for atleast 4-5 healers if not all of your healers to cycle cure curses on players. If you lose 1-2 important classes you might as well wipe and start over.

He has two primary AOE's to watch out for. The trauma aoe hits hard on squishies and melee who forget to joust. The other AOE is the one everyone loves in this expansion thus far..Nether Cloud, which slows your casting timers and deal Noxious dmg the longer it isnt cured. Have your raid set to cure themselves of any Elemental detriment on them when possible.


1. Buff the pet with as much dps and reuse speed you can give him. The Pet will be doing a large portion of the damage to Gozak.

2. Bolster the pet to ease his health from going down too quickly.

3. Buffs on you at the time of using the Pet will go to the pet. Coercers can put Enraging Demeanor and Impetus on themselves if they have the set bonus that gives +base dmg.

4. Gozak breaks just about halfway down the ramp he is on. If an encounter is going badly, save your armor and have the raid run down the ramp.

5. Who ever is doing the pet... start hitting Gozak ASAP!!!

Good Luck and hopefully grats on some of the most uber helm items in the game!
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EQ-Raiders 09-15-2011, 07:22 AM

Gozak is one of those fights you still need to perform the script on. You need to manage your dps so you don't pull it off the suit. You can't power through it because Gozak will still one shot anyone he attacks that is not that avatar. Just pace yourself and keep the suit the focus of Gozak. Problem with one group is that you dont have very much deaggro or even hate transfer unless you build the group to do that.

Gaealiege 09-14-2011, 09:00 PM

I've been going back to old raids and trying them with a single group to gain all the flawless/shorthanded/sense of urgency achievements and we hit a brick wall with Gozak.

Gozak appears to 1-shot anyone that has aggro other than the suit, but our dps classes will often automatically gain aggro on Gozak just from a single spell cast or round of autoattacks.
This issue plus swapping suits has led me to wonder how does one obtain the flawless achievement for this mob?

Any help someone could give would be wonderful.

EQ-Raiders 03-31-2010, 08:42 AM

I dont know about the out of combat thing.. but you do have to target the Pet directly to buff or heal him.

You also can only do ONE ability at times because its an AOE. The problem you have is you are unable to target Gozak..reason is you cant have a target when you are going into the pet form. For example if you are targeting a tank or some other person in the raid the server thinks thats still your target so you cant target Gozak. This has been a bug since SF came out and has still not been fixed. As long as your people who go into pet form do so with NO target you will be able to target Gozak just fine when you become the pet.

You can't even target Gozak before you go into the pet form. Just keep clearing your target before you click the item.

03-31-2010, 05:08 AM

Weve been having problems with the person who suits up only being able to use one spell, cannot recieve heals and is locked from the raid. The encounter lock is not checked and Ive asked several guilds and they have the same problems that 75% of the time the suit gets "bugged" any tips?

EQ-Raiders 01-12-2010, 08:02 AM

Strategy Updated.

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