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The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed ...
03-15-2008, 04:42 PM by EQ-Raiders
First thing to know about this fight is that it is a timed encounter. Your raid has 4 minutes and 20 seconds to complete this fight. You will want your raid to stack up right next to Draazak. Drazzak will have a number of little adds that will spawn throughout this encounter. You will want to ta...
11-26-2013, 04:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
1 tank on ice dragon with his group. AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice) 1 tank on fire mob. Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon) Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth. Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies...
07-02-2014, 05:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Basic Strat; Pull mob. Burn Mob to 50% Mount Splits Tank Mount somewhere Take mount down to 20% ish HP. Go back to killing Named Named ports up out of reach around 10% ish - Will pop red circle on random raid member, must move out of it, or you will die and heal named 5% per death. Kill Mount Name...
11-26-2013, 04:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
Normal Zarrakon 2.0. 3 Pools, blue, yellow, red. 3 Visions, blue, yellow and blurry. Blue = Blue Pool Yellow = Yellow Pool Blurry = Red Person with vision is given an incurable trauma so you can remind them to do it... If they do not make it to the pool, an add is spawned. If they run to t...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
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