Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul. Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP. The other mobs and abilities are: Eesaad the Fierce Two abilities all of which are...
01-05-2010, 11:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
Nexona is considered to be the hardest mob within Veeshan's Peak. Once you learn the encounter, it really is rather easy. I will explain one of the simpler ways to finish this mob off. There is more than one but out of all of the strategies out there, this one seems the easiest pull off. First t...
08-30-2008, 08:33 PM by EQ-Raiders
Farstride Unicorn comes complete with two small Fay Drakes which are also Epic Adds. The Drakes will remove all your buffs so this fight can get a little tricky. Have the stronger of your tanks grab the drakes and pull them atleast 100 meters away from the rest of the raid force. The secondary ta...
01-03-2008, 12:07 PM by EQ-Raiders