- Heroic adds every 60 seconds: a vampiric protector (2) - One Wolfsbane is used during the fight against him to prevent wolf adds from spawning First off you need Wolfsbane's. Wolfsbane is acquired by killing Malkonis D'morte or Wuoshi. Malkonis drops 3 and Wuoshi Drops 5. Mayong is really not h...
01-03-2008, 01:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
http://www.eq-raiders.com/forum/dbtreview.php?do=review_image&id=18&ri=review&type=full Have the whole raid minus your designated coffin killer in the far corner by the portrait you used to spawn Malkonis, they need to be up against the wall at all times no EXCEPTIONS. Ok once you are set click th...
01-03-2008, 01:02 PM by EQ-Raiders
Includes 3 adds. You need to have turned off 6 orbs - 3 by the Guardian of the Orbs, and 3 by Dinree - to get this guy to spawn. Otherwise, you will get an agro Malkonis D'Morte and die. So once you are sure all orbs are off, hail and start the conversation, and he should despawn and Rhoen will ...
03-21-2008, 04:06 AM by EQ-Raiders