View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Employees Get Social with Community - 11-30-2011 08:26 PM

12-01-2011, 02:05 AM

By: Donna “Danicia” Prior
One of the great joys of taking on this new role as Social Media Specialist at SOE is joining Ashlanne in giving the spotlight to our employees and showing that there are “real people” in the company. For those of you unaware, we do actually have real people working here. Seriously. We’re not all bots spawned from the lingering ghosts of long abandoned EverQuest hardware. If you did think that, it’s understandable. In years past, the only way to ever talk to a “Game Dev” was via official game forums or a gaming convention. If you were lucky, you might find the occasional IRC chat and other forms of getting to know your “Devs.”

With the expanding usage of social media platforms, though, it is much easier for the SOE “Dev” to interact with the players & fans of their beloved games. It makes it easy for everyone to forward around great stories about our games and promote content from our Fan Sites. Many of our employees use Twitter to share bits & pieces of information about their work or about industry goings-on.

(Work in progress from the Planetside 2 art team)

More importantly, many of us also use Twitter to share our personal lives. SOE Employees are a very diverse group of people and our Tweets reflect on this quite a bit. You’ll see our ups and downs, the causes we support, and things which make us happy. You’ll also find a sillier side to working in the industry or just life in general.

(A Rodian & a Dwarf walk into a pub….)

@SonyOnline (http://twitter.com/#!/SonyOnline)

@EverQuestII (http://twitter.com/#!/everquestii)

@EverQuest (http://twitter.com/#!/everquest)

@EQOA (http://twitter.com/#!/eqoa)

@FreeRealms (http://twitter.com/#!/FreeRealms)

@Planetside (http://twitter.com/#!/Planetside)

@Planetside2 (http://twitter.com/#!/Planetside2)

@VanguardSoH (http://twitter.com/#!/vanguardsoh)

@SOEFanFaire (http://twitter.com/#!/SOEFanfaire)

@SOE_Podcast (http://twitter.com/#!/SOE_Podcast)

@DCUO (http://twitter.com/#!/DCUO)

@Official_SWG (http://twitter.com/#!/Official_SWG)

@PoxNora (http://twitter.com/PoxNora)

@SOE_GIRL (http://twitter.com/#!/SOE_GIRL)

If you are interested in following the personal Tweets of SOE Staff, we have a list for that too! While we all Tweet a good deal about our games and our company, please remember these are personal accounts anddo not necessarily express the views of SOE. You may end up seeing a lot of tweets about bacon, gaming and geek culture. You may see lots of pictures of dogs & cats. Hopefully, you will be able to get a sense of our dedication to our games.

@J_Smedley (http://twitter.com/#!/j_smedley)

@mhigby (http://twitter.com/mhigby)

@PS_Tray (http://twitter.com/#!/PS_TRay)

@PurrfectStorm (http://twitter.com/#!/PurrfectStorm)

@Qixster (http://twitter.com/#!/Qixster)

@Shinpawl (http://twitter.com/#!/shinpawl)

@Domino_EQ2 (http://twitter.com/#!/Domino_EQ2)

@Kalyper (http://twitter.com/#!/Kalyper)

@Arclegger (http://twitter.com/#!/arclegger)

@twothreesix (http://twitter.com/#!/twothreesix)

@Kevmo0 (http://twitter.com/#!/Kevmo0)

@BrewkoPS (http://twitter.com/#!/BrewkoPS)

@Gnobrin (http://twitter.com/#!/Gnobrin)

@GiganticRobot (http://twitter.com/#!/GiganticRobot)

@Zoltaroth (http://twitter.com/#!/Zoltaroth)

@Spytle (http://twitter.com/#!/spytle)

@Virrago (http://twitter.com/#!/virrago)

@Ashlanne (http://twitter.com/#!/Ashlanne)

@Brasse (http://twitter.com/#!/Brasse)

@_Danicia_ (http://twitter.com/#!/_Danicia_)

(Obligatory Cat Photo Tweet by @_Danicia_ (http://twitter.com/_Danicia_))

If you want to always have the latest on your game or if you want to get to know the people behind your game, give us a follow. There’s always something to share.

Donna “Danicia” Prior
SOE Social Media Specialist

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