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09-08-2011, 06:05 PM
SOE Gamer of the Month -*September


By Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske

It’s that time of the month again, time to meet the SOE Gamer of the Month!*The SOE Community Team would like to introduce the September SOE Gamer for 2011,*Mooftak in Star Wars Galaxies. Get to know him better. Sometime in the near future you may hear questions answered that he submitted in an SOE Podcast.

http://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sep11/Moof-Pet-sm.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sep11/Moof-Pet.jpg)

Question: Where in the real life world do you live (city and state)?

Answer:*Madison, WI

Question: What SOE game(s) do you play?

Answer:*SWG, dabbled in DCUO and EQ2

Question: How long have you played the above game(s)?

Answer:*Weird. Technically, my first SWG account opened in the spring of 2004. I played for about an hour before deciding my pc couldn’t handle it. I forgot to unsubscribe, so I received credit for vet rewards until my credit card reached its expiration date. I restarted sometime around Nov/Dec 2005 or early 2006. All I remember is Tansarii was available and I was really lost because I refused to read quest text. I just knew that I wanted to make myself an R2 droid. I finally ended up getting one on a toon this year, and it was purchased.

Question: What other games do you play?

Answer:*I dabble in Age of Conan from time to time. Like SWG, the game “feels” like it is the source universe. The combat is interesting, quite different. Pretty much, you can name an MMO and I’ve tried it. With the exception of AoC, none of them have grabbed me like SWG does. I’m just not into elves and trolls, though alternate universes seem to be acceptable http://s0.wp.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

Question: Why would you like to be the SOE Gamer of the Month?

Answer:*Why not? I’d break the string of people who have been senators, decorated player structures with extreme skill and good taste, run guilds, done amazing player events, and been generally awesome. I think that it’s quite possible that the silent majority of folks in SWG are those who misfire bh shields before pvp or boss fights even begin or just after they end, get smoked in space, and can lay out 4 objects with questionable fenq-shui and taste before they think, “Man, this is a lotta work! Ugh.”. It’s time they had a voice! And I’m that voice. The one you can’t quite place. Holla!

Question: What do you do for a living?

Answer:*I’m an IT Systems Analyst in the healthcare industry.

Question: How many hours a week do you play video games

Answer:*That varies wildly. Anywhere from 3-25, depending on whether or not 1) I have that weekend available and 2) I’m in one of my motivated moods.

Question: Tell us about your character(s).

Answer:*There are so many. My mains have been Mooftak Jones and Kernel’/Kernel Sanders, though I’m a big fan of Cheesefries McGee and Fisticuffs Johnson. And we can’t forget my original account, with (pre-nge) Kardo and Phoneesha Waverider. Moof’s been most everything, bh, officer, medic, jedi, and mixed bm in with most of them. Kernel’ is the original Kernel and has been bh, commando, medic, entertainer, and currently spy, again mixing bm with most of them. Most of my toons are at various stages of pilot, with EvilKernel Sanders (shipright) currently being my only ace (Imperial). Last but not least, there’s a certain underworld smuggler who goes by Carlita Fusili, but you can call her Carl. They say variety is the spice of life, and it has helped me keep my game time interesting.

Question: How did you get into gaming?

Answer:*My parents bought a computer when I was 10. I played MS Flight Sim 1, Sopwith, and Impossible Mission. I was hooked. Coincidentally that was about the first time I saw Star Wars and was hooked for life on that too.

Question: What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing video games?

Answer:*General nerd stuff to some degree, reading, watching tv or movies, though it takes NCIS, Star Wars, Firefly, or a few other things to really get me to keep the tv on.

Question: What do you like the most about your favorite SOE game?

Answer:*The people I’ve met. SWG is filled with great people, and I’ve had a lot of my best times just chatting with them while hanging out in the cantina or watching the sun set on Dantooine. Of course I’ve also had a blast in heroics when something goes wrong and we end up overcoming it. And nothing beats the short, excitement filled bursts when you track a bounty down, and are getting ready to unsuccessfully claim it.

Question: What’s the first thing you do when you log into your game? Do you have a routine?

Answer:* Probably check who else is online to see who I can send ridiculous tells to and if there’s any chance of doing heroics. Often I’m checking my credit count too, since I can never remember which toon has how much money.

Question: Let’s talk favorites… What is your favorite item? (Is there one you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons?), What is your favorite zone? What is your favorite NPC? Do you have a favorite in-game memory?


Item: Probably my Maroj Melon. It belongs to Kardo, as it was one of the few things in his inventory when I restarted that account. I played originally for 1hr before deciding my pc couldn’t handle SWG back in the day. I got to choose a NGE profession for him, and he came out as a level 5 with a Combat Upgrade plaque (apparently I didn’t unsubscribe until my credit card died), a Maroj melon, and not much else to his name.

Zone: I don’t know, probably Talus. Back on Valcyn, that’s where Star Haven was. On Shadowfire, the new Kernel Sanders spent a lot of time swooping around looking for good spawns for his personal harvesters he just made. I wish I had seen Restuss prior to its destruction too.

NPC: Definitely Muftak, who spends every day in the cantina, TCB*

In-game memory: Hard to say. Probably one of my entertainer group chat sessions in the Mos Eisley cantina on Shadowfire. Or swooping around Talus and/or Naboo as Kernel, when I was on a trader kick and leveling up by making things that my other toons were using in their houses, or their houses in general.

*For the BTO impaired, TCB is Taking Care of Business.

Question: What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

Answer:*Probably a couple million for a weapon or a ship part. I’ve never had more than 10 million to my name, so it’s hard to go crazy.

Question: If you could have a superpower or a spell/ability from the game you play, what would it be?

Answer:*Unsure. Possibly the Sullustan ability to hyperspace faster? Probably, though, the officer’s ability to refill action. That seems like the best one.

Question: If there was one thing you could tell the SOE community about yourself, what would it be?

Answer:*I’m living proof that you don’t have to be good at a game to enjoy it.

You can get the details on how to be the next SOE Gamer of the Month by heading over to this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500018841).

By participating in an SOE Gamer of the Month Challenge, you agree to comply with the SOE Gamer of the Month Official Rules (http://www.soe.com/contests/rules.vm#soegamerofthemonth) and SOE’s Privacy Policy (http://www.soe.com/sonyonline/privacy.vm) and Terms of Service (http://www.soe.com/termsofservice.vm).

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