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08-31-2011, 09:06 PM

http://eq2players.station.sony.com/images/en/features/devinterview/isulith.jpg</br></br>Hail and well met, fellow gamers! My name is Jennifer Bridges and I’m the newest addition to the SOE Community Team. I have to say, it’s truly an honor to be here.

You’ll be seeing me a lot over the next four months, as I’ll be helping the team out while your beloved Amnerys is having fun with her babies. I will be on the forums, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to provide you with the latest news and updates relevant to the amazing EverQuest II universe. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better and getting your feedback on things while Amnerys is away. Being a fellow gamer myself, I know the importance of communication from our team. I also know that SOE really does take your feedback seriously.

As mentioned above, I have been an avid gamer for a long time. I started out playing console games as a child and in my teenage years I got into table top role-playing games as well as a little card game called Magic: The Gathering. I then naturally transitioned into PC games and MMOs. I’ve been playing EverQuest II for the past few years now and have come to really admire the EQII community. It’s one of the most robust communities that I’ve ever seen, with people that are truly passionate about the game and just as dedicated. I also play several other SOE titles.

Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of attending Sony Online Entertainment Fan Faire 2011. It was my first Fan Faire and I absolutely loved it. I got to meet so many new people and see a lot of the community in person. It was great and I’m looking forward to going again next year! Some of the best parts of Fan Faire for me were meeting world renowned fantasy artist Larry Elmore, interacting one-on-one with many of the devs as well as artists, and the great many informative panels.

Previously, I have worked as a graphic designer, web designer, social media intern, game moderator, and forum moderator. This is by far however, the coolest job I have ever had. I am also currently studying computer animation. I enjoy all sorts of games, drawing, art, technology, sci-fi & fantasy movies, and Mountain Dew.

With that being said, let’s get gaming!

Twitter:*@isulith (http://www.twitter.com/isulith)
Facebook:*www.facebook.com/isulithSOE (http://www.facebook.com/isulithSOE)

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