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View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Legends of Norrath Producer’s Letter - 08-11-2011 07:02 PM

08-12-2011, 12:03 AM
Greetings Legends of Norrath fans! This is Mark Tuttle, Executive Producer for Legends of Norrath.

First, let me apologize for not speaking with you sooner. Although it’s no excuse, we were extremely busy with the Sony downtime, the transfer of the Denver office (where LON was born) to our new digs here in San Diego, and rebuilding our team. Community has been chatting with you in the forums while we’ve been heads down in design and working on… well, stuff!

That said, I want to assure you that the LON team is gearing up to deliver some exciting new content and within just a few weeks, you’ll see fruits of our labors with our next expansion. The 13th set of Legends of Norrath is entitled Priestess of the Anarchs. This is a continuation of our storyline from Set 11, Dragonbrood of the Anarchs.

And by the way, the loot is smoking hot. Especially if you like mounts… And housing stuff… And other generally cool stuff.

We’ll go into the exact composition of the set shortly, but I can give you a couple of spoilers that will shed some interesting light on the set and the cool new gameplay features that you’ll receive with it. The images below show you a new race, a new keyword, and maybe one of the longest card titles we’ve featured in LON to date. Enjoy!

~ Mark Tuttle, Executive Producer for*Legends of Norrath


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