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View Full Version : (Free Realms - SOE) - A Welcome Back Letter from Nick Parkinson - 05-18-2011 04:10 PM

05-18-2011, 11:30 PM
A Welcome Back Letter from Nick Parkinson


Welcome back everyone! As I am sure you are all aware, Free Realms® came back up this weekend from our downtime and it is really great to see so many folks in game and having fun again! We have outlined the details of our “Welcome Back” program here (http://forums.station.sony.com/freerealms/posts/list.m?topic_id=27635) if you have not already checked out what you can expect to receive.


Anyway, just because Free Realms was unavailable doesn’t mean that the dev team was taking a break. Quite the contrary, in fact! Over the past couple of weeks the team has been working harder than ever on some of the cool new features we talked about in the previous (http://forums.station.sony.com/freerealms/posts/list.m?topic_id=26860) Producer’s Letter.

We are thrilled with the enthusiasm for Farming and I am excited to say we have some even cooler Farming additions coming to the game in the near future. Folks have been asking for more items to place in their Farms – well, you got it and then some! Here’s a sneak peak at one:

http://www.soe.com/images/community/freerealms/blog/002/Scarecrow_Final.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/freerealms/blog/002/Scarecrow_Final.jpg)

But that is not all; I want to leave everyone with a quick look at something that I know many players who participate on the forums have been asking about…Ranching. We are not done yet, so a lot of the details are still in the works, but right now here is one of the little guys you can potentially raise.

http://www.soe.com/images/community/freerealms/blog/002/RanchingUnicornBabyWIP.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/freerealms/blog/002/RanchingUnicornBabyWIP.jpg)


Note: All screenshots are works in progress and subject to change.

Well, that’s it for now, but there will be lots more to come as we get closer to launching Ranching and Farming additions. So once again, welcome back and we hope to see you in game!

-The Free Realms team

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Author: Free Realms
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