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04-07-2011, 08:01 PM
Letter From the Clone Wars Adventures Team


Greetings to everyone – Jedi and Padawans:

With the exciting conclusion of the third season of Clone Wars™, and our 22nd episodic Clone Wars Adventures™ game update, we felt it was time to talk a little bit about our game’s past and present, and along the way, give you all a small glimpse of what’s in store for our players in the very near future.

First, we should mention straightaway that it’s been an absolute pleasure to work alongside LucasArts to bring this game to light.* Launch seems like it was a long time ago, in a place far, far…well, you get the idea.* Deploying a game alongside an iconic television show and keeping pace with weekly updates through an entire season has been no small feat, but the payoff has been substantial (it isn’t every development team that can boast working on a Star Wars title, alongside talent like Mr. Filoni), and we’re proud of our partnership as it leads us on to future episodes and features.* As the characters we respect, fear, and love from the TV show mature and develop, so too does our game, and if we haven’t already made it abundantly clear, we are very excited about the content releasing in the coming months.

If you haven’t had a chance to check things out recently, hop into game, because we’ve just released our first phase of player guilds, aka “Squads,” added Trandoshan as a playable race, and revealed Wookiees just as the TV show aired its season finale.

But those updates are in the bag, and we are far from finished.* We have a few new members-only multiplayer games right around the corner, starting with the all new Fleet Commander, a space combat strategy game, followed not long after by the addition of multiplayer functionality to Attack Cruiser. The remaining features we have on the horizon can’t really be talked about yet, but rest assured that we have plans aplenty, both in development and in the concept stage.

We should also take this opportunity to give a shout out to all of you that are tinkering with our housing system.* Some of the player housing we’ve seen is simply breathtaking, shattering our expectations of what we thought was possible.* Great work to each of you, and kudos!* We can’t wait to see what you’ll surprise us with next.

The Clone Wars Adventures community is growing every day, climbing well past 5 million registered users in a very short time.* We find this very encouraging, as it demonstrates to us that there’s a lot of interest in what we’ve created.* This game and its community have taken on a life of their own, and this keeps us all very excited to develop new content and improve upon existing systems in what is truly a virtual world.

In short, stay tuned, have fun, and may the Force be with you!

Sincerely and with gratitude,

The Clone Wars Adventures Team

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