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03-23-2011, 11:03 PM
What’s it like to work at SOE?

By: Eric “Piestro” Cleaver

As one of the newest members of the Community Team at Sony Online Entertainment, the most frequent question my friends ask when they learn I am working here is “What’s it like working there?” Ok, well maybe the first thing they ask is “Hey, can I get some free stuff” or “I have this question about my account from 4 years ago…”, but after that it’s definitely “What’s it like working there?”


The SOE office on a typical March day

Well as a long time fan of the SOE brand, getting the opportunity to work here was a dream come true! Without a doubt not even anything else comes close. My favorite game of all time is EverQuest and when I saw an opening in my field for EQ, I jumped at the opportunity. Several nerve wracking months later with offer letter in hand, I was sitting in the front reception area waiting to start on my first day.

Fortunately for me I have a fantastic team to work with, the Community Relations Team! My direct supervisor is Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence, the Senior Community Relations Manager for EverQuest II. Not only does she manage several products, she provides help and guidance when I need questions answered. Lydia “Zatozia” Pope, Robyn “Naylie” Vallee, and Paul “Virrago” Williams have all aided in showing me the ropes and have given me great advice on how to handle a number of day to day issues. Working with such incredibly dedicated and hard working people makes dealing with any difficult situations that arise much easier.

http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/blogs/ericblog3.23.11/tiffany.jpg (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/blogs/ericblog3.23.11/tiffany.jpg)

Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence smiling for the camera.

Sitting across from me I have the heart and soul of the Community Team, Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske. Aimee has a number of responsibilities, but one of the most important is making sure everyone on the Community Team is aware of everything that is going on and that we are all hitting all of our important deadlines. As if acting as a Project Manager wasn’t hard enough, now she has to put up with a constant stream of commentary and jokes emanating from my cubicle. Fortunately she has a kind and understanding nature, and is remarkably tolerant of my teasing.


Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske as I interrupt her for the 30th time that day

The indisputable overlord of all things Community at SOE is the formidable Linda “Brasse” Carlson. Linda provides overall direction for the Community Department, coordinating a number of efforts as well as enduring an endless procession of meetings to keep people from every corner of the company informed about developments in the various player communities. Linda also offers a ton of individual guidance, and is always happy to help us with a particularly thorny issue.

http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/blogs/ericblog3.23.11/linda.jpg (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/blogs/ericblog3.23.11/linda.jpg)

I swear it’s not a time off request!

So aside from an amazing team of people to work with, what’s it like here at SOE? Well it’s incredibly intense, but at the same time incredibly rewarding. While there might be occasional long hours and challenging situations to deal with, working on products we truly care about makes everything much easier to handle. EverQuest was and will always be my first true love when it comes to gaming and I’m incredibly proud to be a small part of that tradition.

Community Relations is a career full of challenges, with many different areas of responsibility. In the same day we might be called on to advise our Development Team on the community impact of a potential changes, be the sympathetic ear for a player with a difficult situation to resolve, write an engaging (hopefully!) article for one of our websites, and provide accurate and continuing analysis of what the wants and needs of our communities are. Knowing that everything I do makes a difference to how people experience the game I love makes it significantly more than just a job!

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