View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Weekly Highlights: 2/04/11 - 02-04-2011 01:00 PM

02-04-2011, 06:01 PM

There’s so much going on in all of our games, it can be hard to keep up! To top it off, many of our gamers play more than one of the SOE games through the Station Access account option, but they might not have the time to be an active part of the communities for each of the games they play. We hope this blog post will help folks keep up with our biggest news items, and some fun and informative forum threads.

Here’s what’s happening in the SOE / Station Access games this week:

http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest.jpg (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm) Fippy Darkpaw Livecast 2/10/11 (http://bit.ly/dWVA8l): Still have questions about the upcoming Time Locked Progression Server Fippy Darkpaw? Can’t get enough juicy details about Fippy? Well we have the livecast for you! On Thursday, February 10 2011 at*4PM Pacific Standard Time (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=2&day=10&year=2011&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=770) we’ll be interviewing the EverQuest Devs on our*Stickam livecast (http://www.stickam.com/sonyonline)!</p> EQ Forum Post of the Week – Bayla’s house 109 Brimming Way, Oak Circle Lake, The Rathe – finally finished (http://bit.ly/gX0u7T)[/URL] http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest2.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=170181) New Marketplace Item: Farfeather Wings (http://bit.ly/i7JBii): Increase your angelic presence with Farfeather Wings, the newest item to hit the EQII Marketplace. Farfeather Wings flutter merrily while you go about your daily tasks and emit a golden glow that is sure to entrance those around you.

(http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=3259&section=News&locale=en_US)EverQuest II Post of the Week – The “Twilight” House {IMG HVY} (http://bit.ly/i0cZ09) http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/dcuo.jpg (http://www.dcuniverseonline.com/)
The Legends Promotion Continues: (http://bit.ly/euq7eY) Don’t Miss Out on In Game Items!

DC Universe Online Post of the Week – Dear DCUO and SOE… (http://bit.ly/eYE3Hy) http://www.soe.com/images/tab_thumbnails/mtg_tn.jpg (http://www.magicthegatheringtactics.com/) MtG:T on THe All Digital Radio Network (http://bit.ly/dJmlxn): AllDigitalRadio.com’s Gamers Underground interview with Tactics Executive Producer, Mark Tuttle!

Magic: The Gathering – Tactics™ Post of the Week – Fan Site Name (http://bit.ly/gBTLRG) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/star_wars.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/index.vm) Episode 137 of Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble (http://bit.ly/e2g6R8): In their first episode of 2011, tune in to Yivvits and MrBubble to hear about some part time work Jar Jar recently picked up and fill you in on what they’ve been doing in*Star Wars Galaxies. Also, voice mail left by ‘Dr. Quest’ and ‘Zurthas’ spark some pretty nerdy*Star Wars and techy discussions. All of this and much more awaits you in this colossal episode!

SWG Post of the Week – YaMB Episode 137 – Jar Jar’s Big Love (http://bit.ly/hpW8vF) http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/cwa.jpg (http://www.clonewarsadventures.com/) New Gear from the Episode “Witches of the Mist” (http://bit.ly/fJn3Q9): The Nightsister trilogy has completed its three episode run!

Clone Wars Adventures Post of the Week – Starship Housing Decorations (http://bit.ly/fZLADu) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/freeRealms.jpg (http://www.freerealms.com/article/list.action) Tuesday Trivia (http://on.fb.me/e1ukXd): *Tuesday Trivia: What are the names of Darrel’s toads in Bristlewood?

Free Realms Post of the Week –
Robgoblin Junkpile! (http://www.freerealms.com/article/detail.action?articleId=1587) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/vanguard.jpg (http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/) The Telon Puzzle (http://bit.ly/f4iHUk): There’s a ton of breathtaking screenshots that capture the essence of Telon in a simple picture. The Telon Puzzle takes time to highlight these and many other items so be sure to check out what we’re showcasing this week!

VG Post of the Week – Feb 19th is a day for all MMO gamers. (http://bit.ly/eSsgbW) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/pirates_burningsea.jpg Community Spotlight: JW Santhem (http://bit.ly/gEQd5m): Our*Community Spotlight (http://www.burningsea.com/page/home) Recipient this month is*JW Santhem. You may know Santhem from his involvement in the Live Events Group, the Boarding Party, the Encyclopædia Piratica team, or one of the other areas of the community that Santhem is involved in.

Post of the Week – Community Spotlight: JW Santhem (http://bit.ly/eDnPZF) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/planetside.jpg (http://planetside.station.sony.com/players/) PlanetSide (http://bit.ly/abyZlb): A Massively multiplayer game where thousands wage war on a planetary scale. http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/consoleGames/thumb/everquest_online_adventures.jpg (http://everquestonlineadventures.station.sony.com/) EQOA (http://bit.ly/9LJ6N1): is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PlayStation 2. http://www.soe.com/images/tab_thumbnails/wildliferefuge_tn.jpg (http://www.playwildlife.com/) Update Notes 02.01.11 (http://on.fb.me/fecmm7): Dr. Alicia returned to her refuge today with word of three new animal sightings! *The African Buffalo can be rescued by players level 12 and higher, the Dik-dik can be rescued by players level 20 and higher, and the Zebra Duiker can be rescued by players level 46 and higher. *Additionally, for the next two weeks their babies will all available for 200 Station Cash. http://www.soe.com/images/community/logos/DO_avatar.jpg (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm) Update Notes 02.01.11 (http://on.fb.me/i8G9bV): Dungeon Overlord™ servers received an update! http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/taco.jpg (http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/) Check out the Agency Covert Ops!: (http://apps.facebook.com/agencycovertops/?ref=ts)Live the life of an elite agent in a persistent online world of superspies or rugged mercenaries, who use both the highest technologies and the lowest tactics to accomplish their goals. http://www.soe.com/images/community/logos/fortuneleague.jpg (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm) Fortune League (http://on.fb.me/fCYXCy): Fortune League is a strategy game based in the universe of EverQuest II. Use the live trading market to recruit a party of Heroes to help you win each weekly Quest. Play to win valuable EverQuest II prizes and bragging rights! http://www.soe.com/images/tab_thumbnails/patterson_tn.jpg (http://www.playcatchakiller.com/) Catch A Killer (http://on.fb.me/fuv2Yv): * In James Patterson’s: Catch a Killer, you’re the detective on a thrilling chase to stop murderers before they claim their next victim. http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/LoN.jpg (http://www.freerealms.com/article/detail.action?articleId=1587) This weekend is a Tournament of the Gods Weekend in Legends of Norrath! The top three finishers in each tournament will receive a Dragonbrood – The Anarchs Choose a Promo. For details, please see the Legends of Norrath Events Calendar! (http://bit.ly/e1Tcaj) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/swg_tcg_gh.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/tradingcardgame/community.vm) This weekend is a Tournament of Heroes Weekend in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game! The top three finishers in each tournament will receive a The Price of Victory Choose a Promo. Please see the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Tournaments Calendar (http://bit.ly/egCrPP) for details!

Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Post of the Week –**very important question ! (http://bit.ly/hRMabW) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/poxnora.jpg (http://bit.ly/dlH1I0) Announcing Heroes’ Dawn (http://bit.ly/fIQUBQ). Check out the Facebook (http://on.fb.me/fxGf9X) page for previews posted this week: Bastion the Avenger, and Moragen.

Pox Nora Post of the Week–*Best of the Worst Tournament (http://bit.ly/eZcUDu) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/stargate.jpg (http://bit.ly/f0gLNU) Stargate Online Trading Card Game (http://bit.ly/arP80n): Send your favorite characters from the Stargate TV series through the gate on missions throughout the galaxy. http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/fan_art_of_the_week_150.png (http://starchamber.station.sony.com/) Submitted By:

http://www.soe.com/images/community/fanart/020411_sm.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/fanart/020411_lg.jpg) http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/logos/FanFaire_Logo_sm.png (http://www.soefanfaire.com/) Fan Faire 2011 (http://bit.ly/dYT0IF):Make the Trek, Meet New Friends and Get Your Game On! Mark your calendars for July 7-9! Sony Online Entertainment is bringing all the fun of Fan Faire back to Bally’s Las Vegas for a weekend of gaming action. Fan Faire is a great time to meet up with old friends and make new ones while getting a look behind the scenes of your favorite SOE titles! Fan Faire vets and noobs alike will not want to miss out! Visit the Fan Faire website at [url]www.soefanfaire.com for up-to-date information on registration, pricing and schedules. Tickets are expected to go on sale early this spring.
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