View Full Version : (Uncategorized - SOE) - Weekly Highlights: 12/03/10 - 12-03-2010 02:09 PM

12-03-2010, 08:13 PM

There’s so much going on in all of our games, it can be hard to keep up! To top it off, many of our gamers play more than one of the SOE games through the Station Access account option, but they might not have the time to be an active part of the communities for each of the games they play. We hope this blog post will help folks keep up with our biggest news items, and some fun and informative forum threads.

Here’s what’s happening in the SOE / Station Access games this week:

http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest.jpg (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm)Norrathian Home Show – Piemastaj (http://bit.ly/fEph31): Greetings Norrathians. Piemastaj gives us a tour of his home Gnomish stone bunker in this week’s home show!</p>EQ Forum Post of the Week – Relativity – 101 Market Heights – Ivy Creek – Luclin/Stromm (http://bit.ly/eUMeFQ)[/URL]http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest2.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=170181)Halas City Festival (http://bit.ly/h6uvBi): December has arrived, and the Halas City Festival is the perfect place to have some frosty fun in honor of the season. The Far Seas Trading Company is pleased to announce that the next stop for their traveling festival will be Halas.

(http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=3259&section=News&locale=en_US)EverQuest II Post of the Week – A Deluxe Seaside Cottage (very image heavy!) (http://bit.ly/f6MTRw)http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/dcuo.jpg (http://www.dcuniverseonline.com/)
Information Regarding the PS3 Beta: (http://on.fb.me/f0qXoo) We appreciate your interest (or participation for those who have already submitted a valid pre-order receipt to our site) in our Pre-Order Beta Key promotion…

DC Universe™ Online Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=441827337329) Post of the Week – I wanna play SO hard!!!http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/consoleGames/thumb/everquest_online_adventures.jpg (http://everquestonlineadventures.station.sony.com/)EQOA (http://bit.ly/9LJ6N1): is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PlayStation 2.

EQOA Facebook (http://on.fb.me/iaN2lk) Post of the Week – You know what i’ve always wondered? Why EQOA never had capes.http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/star_wars.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/index.vm)Puzzle Time! (http://bit.ly/dHrzNE): This week we have yet another puzzle for you to solve. Hurry and get your answers in!

SWG Post of the Week – Thanks for the Whip and Hat (http://bit.ly/eT2eEw),http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/vanguard.jpg (http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/)The Festival of Gloriann! (http://bit.ly/dMSmmb): Very soon, towns and cities within the world of Telon will be cheerfully preparing for the Festival of Gloriann! Once a year during the wintery months, the tale of Atnas Claws and his spirit of giving imbues the cities with an aura of goodness. Towering trees adorned with lights can be seen glittering within the cities of Telon.

VG Forum Post of the Week – Thinking of coming to vangaurd (http://bit.ly/eNtkBo) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/taco.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/vg/posts/list.m?topic_id=54722)Check out the Agency Covert Ops!: (http://apps.facebook.com/agencycovertops/?ref=ts)Live the life of an elite agent in a persistent online world of superspies or rugged mercenaries, who use both the highest technologies and the lowest tactics to accomplish their goals.http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/planetside.jpg (http://planetside.station.sony.com/players/)PlanetSide (http://bit.ly/abyZlb): A Massively multiplayer game where thousands wage war on a planetary scale.

PlanetSide Facbook (http://on.fb.me/c4aN2C) Post of the Week – TR FOR EVER! Loyalty Until Death!http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/pirates_burningsea.jpgPotBS is now Free to Play! (http://bit.ly/fdiuyE): You can now play*Pirates of the Burning Sea for free! A subscription is no longer required to access and play much of the game* (http://www.burningsea.com/play/#terms).

Post of the Week -I want kitty (http://bit.ly/ehwZMr)http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/cwa.jpg (http://www.clonewarsadventures.com/)BECKETT MASSIVE ONLINE GAMER SCREENSHOT CONTEST (http://bit.ly/dNUVSj): Are you a big*Star Wars®: Clone Wars Adventures™ fan? Do you have an awesome set of gear? Are your DroidsTM*worth showing off? Have you escaped a furious Starfighter battle? We want to see your screenshots!

Clone Wars Adventures Post of the Week – What type of mini games do you want them to add (http://bit.ly/dTkmmi)http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/freeRealms.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/cw/posts/list.m?topic_id=1200)Home Show: Henry Flamebreath (http://bit.ly/gSYqYS): *It’s the*Free Realms Home Show! The Home Show is a spotlight for all sorts of creative decorating techniques submitted by our players! From the elegant to the outrageous, you never know what you’ll see next!

Free Realms Post of the Week –
Post Your Favorite Random Screenshots! (http://www.freerealms.com/article/detail.action?articleId=1587)http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/LoN.jpg (http://www.legendsofnorrath.com/)This holiday weekend is a December Promotional Tournament Weekend in Legends of Norrath! Starting on Friday, December 3rd at 5PM and running through Monday, December 6th at 8AM PT, ongoing queues will launch once all slots have filled. For details, please see the Legends of Norrath Events Calendar! (http://bit.ly/h7R6zf)

Caption of the Week (http://bit.ly/hjc5ua) – “Hunter: This is why I took up Taxidermy; very lifelike decoys really attract the game around here.”
http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/swg_tcg_gh.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/tradingcardgame/community.vm)This holiday weekend is a December Promotional Tournament Weekend in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game! Starting on Friday, December 3rd at 5PM and running through Monday, December 6th at 8AM PT, ongoing queues will launch once all slots have filled. Please see the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Tournaments Calendar (http://bit.ly/egCrPP) for details!</p>

Caption of the Week (http://bit.ly/eluWkr) – “”Seriously, I only have 1 hour to deface these Imp posters? How will I get all the empire day rewards I want?” TK-000
“Dude, you’re a friggin IMP, you can’t get Rebel Empire Day rewards in friggin THEED!” Lt. Buzzkill”
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Post of the Week –*OMG bug fixes without a new set? (http://bit.ly/hjzPzf)[URL="http://www.poxnora.com/"]http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/poxnora.jpg (http://bit.ly/dlH1I0)Free Tournament Weekend! (http://bit.ly/dZYSGC) Drums of War Prizing for top Ranked players: head over to the forums (http://bit.ly/fVTTrN) to particpate in this thread. A sneak peek and upcoming content (http://bit.ly/g3Pto2)! Check out the latest producer’s letter (http://bit.ly/hXbHqZ). Have you ever wondered how the Ranking System (http://bit.ly/h4XLim) works, well wonder no more, it’s been explained.

Pox Nora Post of the Week –*I would like to say something to SoE. (http://bit.ly/f0gLNU)http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/stargate.jpg (http://stargateonlinetcg.station.sony.com/)Stargate Online Trading Card Game (http://bit.ly/arP80n): Send your favorite characters from the Stargate TV series through the gate on missions throughout the galaxy.http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/fan_art_of_the_week_150.png (http://starchamber.station.sony.com/)Submitted By: Supertoast

http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/fanart/120310_sm.jpg (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/fanart/120310_lg.jpg)Other News:

Vote for your Favorite SOE Games in Beckett MOG’s Reader’s Choice Awards (http://bit.ly/elujAT)
Candid SOE Mondays: Shingo and the face (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500018357)
Word of the Week: Smithereens (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500018368)
SOE Employee Spotlight: December (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500018376)
SOE Gamer of the Month: November (http://bit.ly/coE2mW)

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/delicious/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godelicious/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/facebook/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gofacebook/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/twitter/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gotwitter/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/stumble/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gostumble/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/digg/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godigg/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/reddit/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/ (http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/goreddit/stationblog.wordpress.com/2580/) http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=stationblog.wordpress.com&blog=76501&post=2580&subd=stationblog&ref=&feed=1

Author: Uncategorized
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