View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Weekly Highlights: 11/26/10 - 11-26-2010 01:04 PM

11-26-2010, 07:04 PM

There’s so much going on in all of our games, it can be hard to keep up! To top it off, many of our gamers play more than one of the SOE games through the Station Access account option, but they might not have the time to be an active part of the communities for each of the games they play. We hope this blog post will help folks keep up with our biggest news items, and some fun and informative forum threads.

Here’s what’s happening in the SOE / Station Access games this week:

http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest.jpg (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm) EverThanks! (http://bit.ly/i7XW1Y): Norrathians have plenty to be thankful for during this season of giving. Special bonus periods, the return of the Skinwalker Halloween event, and a free gift awaits them.</p> EQ Forum Post of the Week – Things you wished you’d known, or things you want to share… (http://bit.ly/dOIRXA)[/URL] http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/everquest2.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=170181) Marketplace Item Gifting Now Available! (http://bit.ly/dN7VO4): The season of sharing is upon us! Whether it’s for the holidays, for a birthday or anniversary, or a “Thank you for saving my hiney in last night’s raid” acknowledgement, players in EQII and EQ2X can now purchase Marketplace items as gifts.

(http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=3259&section=News&locale=en_US)Freeport City Festival – November 1-7, 2010 My lighthouse (http://bit.ly/fGB9fT) http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/dcuo.jpg (http://www.dcuniverseonline.com/)
Batman Concept Art: (http://on.fb.me/gw0zYU) Gotham City can give thanks with him cleaning up the streets at night.

DC Universe™ Online Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=441827337329) Post of the Week – Batman is the all time greatest! http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/consoleGames/thumb/everquest_online_adventures.jpg (http://everquestonlineadventures.station.sony.com/) EQOA (http://bit.ly/9LJ6N1): is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PlayStation 2.

EQOA Post of the Week – Happy Birthday Darkerusaelp (http://bit.ly/gpSrX3) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/star_wars.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/index.vm) Come Back to Star Wars Galaxies™ for FREE This Week and Receive Gifts** (http://bit.ly/fUExXC): From November 23rd at 4am PST to November 30th we’ve reactivated**Star Wars Galaxies accounts that left the game in good standing between January 1, 2008 and September 15, 2010. If you were a paying subscriber and left the game between those dates, your account should now be active. Jump back in to*Star Wars Galaxies today and reconnect with friends, check out new missions, Galactic Civil War city invasions and leaderboards, a rare loot system and much more – plus get your own in-game Fedora and Whip!

SWG Post of the Week – The Art Index (http://bit.ly/i1Ha6k) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/vanguard.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/posts/list.m?topic_id=1145344) The Telon Puzzle (http://bit.ly/gNfzyB): There’s a ton of breathtaking screenshots that capture the essence of Telon in a simple picture. The Telon Puzzle takes time to highlight these and many other items so be sure to check out what we’re showcasing this week!

VG Forum Post of the Week – Someone is still talking about VG on MMORPG.com (http://bit.ly/fJwQIG) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/taco.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/vg/posts/list.m?topic_id=54722) Check out the Agency Covert Ops!: (http://apps.facebook.com/agencycovertops/?ref=ts)Live the life of an elite agent in a persistent online world of superspies or rugged mercenaries, who use both the highest technologies and the lowest tactics to accomplish their goals. http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/planetside.jpg (http://planetside.station.sony.com/players/) PlanetSide (http://bit.ly/abyZlb): A Massively multiplayer game where thousands wage war on a planetary scale.

PlanetSide Post of the Week – St. Turducken’s Day Eve Raid – Wednesday at 1930 Eastern (http://bit.ly/ewUdo0) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/pirates_burningsea.jpg Free to Play Goes Live Next Monday (http://bit.ly/dZ1yKI): We plan to publish build 2.1 to our live servers on Monday, November 29th. Antigua and Roberts should be down between 4am and 9am PST*. This patch will take*Pirates of the Burning Sea Free to Play!

Post of the Week -Free to Play Goes Live Next Monday (http://bit.ly/fbL0ov) http://www.soe.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/cwa.jpg (http://www.clonewarsadventures.com/) New Character Models for the Heroes of Star Wars: the Clone Wars (http://bit.ly/gSqWV0): An All-New Episode Highlights New Character Models for the Heroes of*Star Wars®:*The Clone Wars™

Clone Wars Adventures Post of the Week – Ship Spotted (http://bit.ly/ew0MFU) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/freeRealms.jpg (http://forums.station.sony.com/cw/posts/list.m?topic_id=1200) Home show: Firehawk894 (http://bit.ly/fS8Qaf): *It’s the*Free Realms Home Show! The Home Show is a spotlight for all sorts of creative decorating techniques submitted by our players! From the elegant to the outrageous, you never know what you’ll see next!

Free Realms Post of the Week – [URL="http://bit.ly/9sEwpB"]
Whats your Favorite Pet+Job Combo? (Take a look) (http://www.freerealms.com/article/detail.action?articleId=1587) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/LoN.jpg (http://www.legendsofnorrath.com/) This holiday weekend is the November Loot Tournament Weekend in Legends of Norrath! Starting on Wednesday, November 24th at 5PM and running through Monday, November 29th at 8AM PT, ongoing queues will launch once all slots have filled. For details, please see the Legends of Norrath Events Calendar! (http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/events_calendar.vm#Nov24) http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/swg_tcg_gh.jpg (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/tradingcardgame/community.vm) This weekend is the November Loot Tournament Weekend in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game! Starting on Wednesday, November 24th at 5PM and running through Monday, November 29th at 8AM PT, ongoing queues will launch once all slots have filled. Please see the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Tournaments Calendar (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/tradingcardgame/tournaments.vm#anchor43) for details! http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/poxnora.jpg (http://www.poxnora.com/) Turtle your Way to Victory in a Free Tournament! (http://bit.ly/c7IydA) Pox Nora had an update this week… Read the notes here (http://bit.ly/9XQDMg). Sound off, what is your favorite Maljara War Feature (http://bit.ly/ahc6RS)? http://www.station.sony.com/images/en/pcGames/thumb/stargate.jpg (http://stargateonlinetcg.station.sony.com/) Stargate Online Trading Card Game (http://bit.ly/arP80n): Send your favorite characters from the Stargate TV series through the gate on missions throughout the galaxy. http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/fan_art_of_the_week_150.png (http://starchamber.station.sony.com/) Submitted By: EmyLightsaber

http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/fanart/112610_sm.jpg (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/fanart/112610_lg.jpg) Other News:

Vote for your Favorite SOE Games in Beckett MOG’s Reader’s Choice Awards (http://bit.ly/elujAT)
Happy Thanksgiving (http://bit.ly/g5T4cR)
Ash’s Diary – Thanksgiving (http://bit.ly/dQKQC9)
Candid SOE Mondays: Star Wars Halloween (http://bit.ly/hS51fG)
Word of the Week: kvetch (http://bit.ly/gl3rAr)
SOE Employee Spotlight:*November (http://bit.ly/aTUUQ1)
SOE Gamer of the Month: November (http://bit.ly/coE2mW)

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