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View Full Version : ( - SOE) - The Community Team Tackles Dragon*Con 2010! - Fri, 10 Sep 2010 03:06:17 +0

09-10-2010, 04:04 AM
By Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence, EverQuest II Community Manager
http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/dc-color-circle-transparent-hi_res.png?w=300&h=281 (http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/dc-color-circle-transparent-hi_res.png)
Dragon*Con is touted as “the largest multi-media and popular culture convention, focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, pop art, designer toys, literature, art, music, film, and fun in the universe!” This year Dragon*Con celebrated its 24th year, and it was anticipated that the convention would draw more than 40,000 fans, dealers, exhibitors, artists, guests, and volunteers from all over the world.
I have to say, I think they were probably right!

For the fourth year in a row, SOE was invited to send a team to the convention, to represent our games and the company as a whole in panels presented by the MMO Track.
The MMO Track at Dragon*Con is fan-run, meaning the full track is planned by volunteers who have an interest in MMO gaming. When SOE was asked to take part in the convention, representing not only our own games, but also joining in on some of the general industry panels, we were happy to oblige, and sent a speedy R.S.V.P. to our hosts. I mean really…it couldn’t get there fast enough! We love this convention!

SOE sent six representatives from the Community Relations team to Dragon*Con this year to meet with our players, hobnob with the MMO elite, and generally spread the word about all things SOE.
On Thursday, September 2, the team landed in Atlanta , hailing from SOE studios in San Diego, Austin and Tucson. We made our way to the downtown district, where Dragon*Con takes over five hotels in a three-block radius. Linda “Brasse” Carlson led the team, with Jason “Pex” Ryan, Aaron “Gnobrin” Bisnett, Roger “Draakull” Pilney, and Tony “RadarX” Jones in tow…along with me, Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence. (/curtsey)
This year we hosted an EQII panel, a Free Realms panel, and the oldest panel of the MMO genre at Dragon*Con, the EQ Old Timers’ panel. In addition, Brasse was a speaker on the Breaking Into the Industry and MMO Industry Roundtable panels.


The EQ Old Timers Panel

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4098/4958276617_0eb9f672f6.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34113143@N05/4958276617/in/set-72157624880509062)

The EQII Panel
We had an incredible time talking with folks from many of our games, reminiscing about the days of yore, talking about things to come, and answering as many questions as we could. What we couldn’t answer on the spot, we jotted down, and hope to get answers soon which we will post in an upcoming news article.
As if sitting on panels and talking to our players wasn’t enough fun on its own, we also had a hand in the MMO Track party this year, the MMO Gathering of Heroes! SOE co-sponsored the event, and took plenty of schwag along with us.
The party was something else… not only did a couple get engaged there (engagements at conventions; it’s all the rage!) but we also had an impromptu conga line, a dance-along to Thriller and The Time Warp, and one of our very own Star Wars Galaxies players, in full Jedi attire, volunteered his services for several rounds of Lightsaber Limbo.
I must say that you truly have not experienced Dragon*Con until you’ve watched Gandalf the Grey do the Lightsaber Limbo while the Numa Numa song is playing in the background. It was a Trifecta of Geekiness! It’s a wonder the earth didn’t open up right there and swallow us whole, haha!


Gandalf doing the Lightsaber Limbo
Of course you can’t really do Dragon*Con right unless you dress for the occasion.
With a combined weight of about 350 pounds of luggage, we were prepared to fully immerse ourselves in the convention atmosphere, which is well-known for its costumed attendees. We brought along our snazzy SOE Community Team polos to wear to the panels, but once we got there and were reminded about how deeply costuming is a part of this convention, we were given an official ruling from the head Dwarf that costumes were appropriate for our panels. Huzzah!
I personally brought three different steampunk-themed costumes, as well as my old standby; my Gryffindor house robes from Harry Potter. Brasse donned not only her most recent Brasse costume (the lovely Halas-themed armor), but also Slytherin-style attire, and a pirate costume. Pex also partook in the costuming, bringing his Shaun of the Dead getup, a Ravenclaw alumnus costume, and a few variations of steampunk clothing to wear. Gnobrin, the other veteran costumer amongst our ranks, donned his steampunk finest as well as an excellent version of a Slytherin alumnus. It was great fun having our photos snapped here and there, while we ran around with our own cameras, capturing images of hundreds of our fellow costumers.


Brasse, Gnobrin and Amnerys on Friday


Pex, Brasse, Gnobrin and Amnerys go Hogwarts-Style

Brasse, Amnerys and Pex strut Pirate and Steampunk Styles
As always, the weekend went by far too quickly, but we had an amazing time. With several new and exciting game releases on the calendar for the next year, we truly hope we’ll be able to join our friends again at Dragon*Con 2011. Until then, be sure to check out our photos and videos of the weekend:
(Audio quality varies, due to speakers, mic volume and other factors at the events.)
MMO Industry Roundtable:

The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.1 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/16/-HGi6uLTbPg)
The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.2 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/15/gQOQ8ITHnjs)
The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.3 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/14/s8RK96Rp_Gw)
The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.4 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/13/_YAau0J1YBU)
The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.5 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/12/yIbiC76avr0)
The MMO industry roundtable at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.6 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/11/ke928h3q9QU) Breaking Into the Industry:

Breaking into the Industry panel at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.1 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/10/pH683R-XEow)
Breaking into the Industry panel at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.2 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/9/nDV7tbFo8ss)
Breaking into the Industry panel at Dragon*Con 2010 pt.3 (http://www.youtube.com/soevideos#p/u/8/DpEdhTYh5qE) Free Realms:

The Free Realms Panel at Dragon*Con 2010 (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9329303) EverQuest:

The EQ Gathering (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9331445) EverQuest II:

The Everquest II Panel (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9357012) MMO Gathering of Heroes Party & SOE Podcast:

Brasse opens the party! (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9363945)
A player meets with Brasse! (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9364518)
Podcast at Dragon*Con 2010 (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9364184)
Dragon*Con Player Interview 2 (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9364286)
Doin’ the Dragon*Con Time Warp (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9365214)
Thriller at the Dragon*Con MMO party! (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9365846) Photos:

Dragon*Con 2010 Flickr Album (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34113143@N05/sets/72157624880509062/)
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