View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? September - Wed, 01 Sep 2010 17:27:20 +0000

09-01-2010, 06:01 PM
SOE has tons of gamers around the world! Every week we highlight one of them. This week we are pleased to introduce: Vestaloyne from Free Realms and The Agency: Covery Ops.

Where in the real life world do you live?
I’m currently between cities! At the time I’m writing this I am living in Ulsan, Korea and I believe by the time this gets to the community I will be back in my hometown, Toronto, Canada.
What SOE game(s) do you play?
I’m currently a big Free Realms fanatic (IGN: Vestaloyne, Vest). I also play The Agency: Covert Ops quite a bit. You’re more than welcome to add me if you play!*www.facebook.com/AgentVest (http://www.facebook.com/AgentVest). I’ve also been playing some PoxNora, and the new Clone Wars Adventures (Vestaloyne) beta and EQ2 Extended (Vest).
How long have you played the above game(s)?
I’ve been playing Free Realms, The Agency: Covert Ops, Clone Wars Adventures and EQ2 Extended since launch. I only started playing PoxNora since its Facebook launch but I have since moved to the standalone client.
What other games do you play?
I’m currently pretending to be a creator curator for Little Big Planet and ModNation Racers; both on the PSP.**I don’t think I take enough time with either game so my creations never turn out as well as they appear in my head.
What type of work do you do?
I am currently teaching English as a second language to middle school students in Korea. It keeps me quite busy but, I somehow still find the time to play games, do research for class, and create lesson plans etc. Once I get back into Toronto I will be attending school once again and attempting to find another job.
Do you listen to the Official SOE Podcast? What do you like best about it?
I’ve been listening to the podcasts for just over a year. I very much enjoy the ustream casts and the interviews that you have with developers. The creativity that goes into these games often astounds me and it’s enlightening to hear about the processes they use. The sneak peeks into what’s next never hurt either.
How many hours a week do you play video games?
It’s tough to say; depends week to week. I guess on average it’s anywhere from 14 to 24 hours a week
In the SOE games you play, what kind of character do you play? Race/class/Rank/Faction, etc.
In Free Realms I am an officer in the guild Gone Postal. I really enjoy being a postman and adventurer and I am max level in every job. In The Agency: Covert Ops I play as a gadgeteer (level 356).**In EQ2 Extended I’ve chosen to be a Guardian. So if you see me in game (IGN: Vest) please help me out!
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I started playing video games when the very first Gameboy hit the scene. After that I played the SNES but thereafter got into computer games beginning with Quake. Then I started playing MMO’s several years back and I haven’t looked back since. I really enjoy modern day MMO’s. Things that take place in the world we live in; that’s why I’m so excited for DCUO.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing video games?
I play the drums (a lot) and read as much as possible. If it wasn’t for work I’d have my nose buried in a book, eyes glued to a game or hands flailing around the drums 24/7
What is your highest level character?
My highest level character is Vestaloyne in Free Realms. With all jobs maxed, all collections complete (except for the comics) and most articles of clothing in my inventory.
What do you like the most about your favorite SOE game?
My favourite SOE game is Free Realms. I really like the laid back feeling, the mini games, the quest lines and the openness of the areas. It’s great to play in groups, the community is amazingly supportive and the developers and referees are always there when you need them.
What’s the first thing you do when you log into game? Do you have a routine?
The first thing I do is jump into the SC store on any specific game to see what is new. Then I’ll jump to the various coin shops or vendors to see if there’s anything new there. I love Free Realms for those hard to get pieces or rare items that nobody else has yet and scoop them up first.
How did you choose your main character’s name?
My characters name came from the band I used to play drums for. After that the name just stuck and various versions of the original name appear in many of my characters thereafter.
What is your favorite zone? What is your favorite location within that zone?
My favourite zone is in Free Realms overlooking the Briarwood Maze. I’ll often go there to do a job from the game guide.
http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_800x600.jpg (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_800x600.jpg)
[800x600 (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_800x600.jpg)] [1024x768 (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_1024x768.jpg)] [1680x1050 (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_1024x768.jpg)] [1280x1024 (http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Sept2010/briarwood_maze4_1280x1024.jpg)]
What is your favorite NPC? Why?
My favourite NPC is Preston Daly in the Sanctuary of Free Realms. He’s a party planner who can warp you to a party place. He’s has to be one of my favourite NPC’s because of the way he looks! He’s basically my twin, but with much cooler sunglasses. Speaking of which; Preston, can I borrow those for a second?
What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
I haven’t technically spent the coin on it yet but I sure am working on it! I’ve been saving for the Penguin Feather Mask virtual reward in Free Realms and I’d be willing to spend up to 2.5 million coins.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
I have some equipment from before the December update in Free Realms that is no longer available. The Butterfly Club for Warrior is one.**I never wear it but, I’d never sell or trade it either, because it’s no longer available. Collecting everything possible is a pastime of mine you could say.
Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE game?
My favourite experience was jumping into MxO when it was available. After that I really enjoyed Free Realms. The music was very overwhelming and the amount of stuff there is to do, leveling jobs, cooking, racing, demo derby….it felt as if it was never ending. That was one of the best experiences.
If you could have a superpower or a spell/ability from the game you play, what would it be?
It would definitely be the Rudolfo’s Speedy Kicks from Free Realms. Being able to run around at breakneck speeds would be just fine by me
If there was one thing you could tell the SOE Community about yourself, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to strike up a good conversation with me in any game. I don’t mind helping where I can, giving information or just generally having fun. I never take anything too seriously in a game so I never get upset at anyone or anybody. I enjoy group missions and love player events! So please come find me in a game and say hello!
If you are interested in being the SOE Gamer of the month, look for*instructions here (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500015425)! We want to get to know more SOE Gamers, so send your submission today!

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