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View Full Version : Time for an overdue post about progression scoring.

04-16-2024, 12:53 AM
I am making this overview of how the Raid Progression scoring breaks down because there is a lot of misinformation out there from people who have no idea what they are talking about and I dont want people to get confused over it. So, here is the breakdown on scoring and how it works and how it separates guilds from top to bottom. The below image is a breakdown on the scoring page. It contains all the information you need to understand how points are allocated.



Trivial At: This value shows the percent of ranked guilds worldwide it takes to trivialize the raid encounter. To trivialize the raid encounter means the encounter will no longer be worth its max value and bottoms out to the base value which is 50pts for every mob.

Base Value: This is the lowest amount of points awarded for a kill. Every guild who kills this encounter will at least get 50 points in raid progression.

Max Poiints: This value shows how many points the current encounter has awarded the TOP guilds to have completed the encounter. It will show the same amount in the ranked table on the page.

First Kill: Just shows the date of the first recorded kill either in the games Census database or provided via Manual submission if allowed.

Kill Stats: Shows the current percentage of ranked guilds worldwide the encounter has been killed by.

Current Value: Shows what the current value of the mob is worth on the next kill that occurs and will become the new Max Points value.

Now, the points automatically lower by a percentage of the guilds that are killing the encounter. Except for the first 36 hours in which there is a grace period that was introduced because of either server down times due to patches or crashes. This allows guilds who have been affected by day one issues for raid zones to try to reorganize themselves and try at a later date without issue. Obviously we cant have a huge grace period or the spirit of competition is diminished. 36 hours was chosen to accommodate guilds across various time zones.

All kills during the grace period will be worth the Max points possible plus the Bonus kill Value for killing the encounter prior to trivialization. Since all raid scores are ranked into tenths decimal place all guilds that killed the mob prior to an encounter going trivial will gain .1 points based on where they were in the progression. An image showing a Trivial Encounter is below.



You can see how the some of the values have changed from the previous encounter to this one. Its base value and Current Value are both 50 but its MAX points is 51.2. Which is because it takes the percentage of guilds that killed the mob before it went trivial and awarded a bonus max value based on how many guilds there were. The guilds that killed the mob during the grace period are all considered First Kills and share the same point value. The guilds that killed the encounter after the grace period are still awarded a bonus but for each guild after the grace period the points go down by one tenth of a point to keep a ranking of guilds in line. Now, how this breaks down is basically a trivialized mob that is super easy for everyone will see many guilds have the same top score. This ensures that easy mobs do not affect the overall ranking. So, that guilds cant get big jumps right out of the gate by farming easy level content. The above page related to that image shows 20 guilds got the same highest score. So 20 guilds at that time, kept pace with everyone in that zone. Higher level mobs will begin to have lower numbers of guilds in its grace period because not all guilds will just face roll certain content as you can see in the previous image up top as only 6 guilds completed the second named in the zone within the grace period which is why the second named is still offering a higher number points and creating a numbered order for guilds to be ranked based on completion.

If you need to ask yourself why is an encounter giving less points than another its because in almost all instances that more guilds have killed one versus the other. The only manual modifiable data point for a mobs value is the percent at which the mob goes trivial. That percent dictates how fast the mobs points will decrease based on the number of active guilds currently attempting content.

If anyone has any questions regarding this, please reply below or reach out on Discord. If there is something I missed or needs to be added to this post I will do so. Sometimes I forget things.

- Praetorian