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View Full Version : (John Smedley - stationblog) - The Single Bullet Theory - Sat, 04 Nov 2006 01:38:41 +

08-17-2007, 08:22 AM
I was reading a very interesting blog here:
Essentially Ozymandias is talking about how he thinks it’s confusing to be hooked into multiple online services. I have to respectfully disagree. One of the cool things about integrating both the PlayStation Network and Xfire into our PS3 title Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom is that my friends on Xfire running on the PC can send me messages while I’m playing the game on the PlayStation 3. I can also respond to them if I want.
I can do the same thing (also from within the game) with my friends that are playing other PlayStation 3 games using my PlayStation Network friends list. We’ve integrated both into the game because we realize how important it is to be able to tie into different groups of online friends. I personally think that’s one of the best things about the PS3’s open approach. I am a member of multiple online communities. The fact that the PlayStation 3 will allow publishers the option of hooking my favorite games into these communities is a big plus to me.
I do want to point out that you aren’t just able to see if your friends are online at the cross media bar interface level.. it can happen within games too.
As for his thoughts on how this somehow relates to that lawsuit…. well… that just sounds like a pretty out there theory IMO.

Author: John Smedley
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