View Full Version : The Silliest Holiday in All of Norrath

03-24-2023, 09:29 PM
The Silliest Holiday in All of Norrath (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/the-silliest-holiday-in-all-of-norrath.609495/)
Posted by: Accendo on 03-24-2023 06:23 PM

https://assets-cdn.daybreakgames.com/uploads/dcsclient/000/000/261/361.jpgBristlebane Day returns, and you can rest assured it?ll be a fun time!

Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane (AKA The King of Thieves, The Grand Prankster) would cordially appreciate your undivided attention and zealous dedication to mischief. You are hereby invited to be as silly as you can comprehend, and to take advantage of any opportunity and item at your disposal in pursuit of said silliness.

In other words, bring on the pranks, gags, and craziness that is Bristlebane Day! Here?s what you can enjoy during this year?s celebration:

Live Servers

New Quest "Saddle Up!" - Find a peculiar item while harvesting silly items from ?Jester's Gardens?.
9 New Merchant items sold by Bristlebane Day merchant in city tradeskill houses, including a new mount!
New Tradeskill recipe book, "Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XIV" sold by ?a Bristlebane Day merchant? in city tradeskill houses. The recipes require holiday harvestables gathered from Jester's Gardens and other low level harvestables as components.
Patchcraft creatures can now also be found in Takish Badlands!

Special Rules Servers


The ?Prankster's Piece of the Pie? collection and Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt quest is available in Enchanted Lands.
Special holiday merchants in Freeport and Qeynos Capitol District have over 20 Bristlebane Day-themed house items and equipment pieces for your celebrations!

Kael Drakkel ? The entire event is active!

Oh, new items, you ask? *insert silly laugh here* We have ?em! And it doesn?t stop there. Bristlebane Day also introduces a bevy of new Tradeskill items as well. Check ?em all out here:


There?s more to look forward to during this year?s highest of silly days, too! This special, one day celebration begins and ends on April 1, 2023. Details? *insert another silly laugh here* We got ?em:

Live Servers

Grabby Gigglegibber, the Nights of the Dead Treat Trader, is available on this day in Qeynos and Freeport to help organize loot obtained from Jester's superior gardens.

Special Rules Servers

Varsoon ? Special holiday merchants found in Freeport and Qeynos Capitol District have even more Bristlebane Day themed house items and equipment pieces available only on April 1!
Kaladim, and Kael Drakkel - The entire event is active!

There are plenty of returning features, as well. From Fool?s Gold Coins to creatures sewn and buttoned up by Bristlebane?s own hand, achievements to Jester?s Gardens, previous crafting recipes to quests, Overseer Agents and quests to collections?you?ll have all the tools you?ll need to make this year?s celebration the biggest and best it?s ever been!


Look, if this article so far has left you feeling exhausted, you better get some coffee brewing because you cannot let Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane down. *yet another silly laugh here* Mischievous mischief is in high demand, and we can?t think of anyone else more suited to really bring it than you! Who?s ready to dish it out?

Bristlebane Day started today, March 24, 2023, and ends on April 6, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Oh, hey, what?s that behind you?

*one final silly laugh here because silly*

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View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/the-silliest-holiday-in-all-of-norrath.609495/)