View Full Version : Trick or Treat, Bristle's Feet! - Bristlebane Day Has Returned!

03-25-2021, 08:59 PM
Trick or Treat, Bristle's Feet! - Bristlebane Day Has Returned! (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/trick-or-treat-bristles-feet-bristlebane-day-has-returned.598923/)
Posted by: dreamweaver on 03-25-2021 07:55 PM

It's time for tricks-y tricks, and to master some mischief all over Norrath! Bristlebane Day is the highest of silly days, a holiday that honors the Grand Prankster Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane who puts having fun first (especially when it comes at the expense of anyone or everyone else) - and you're invited to join in on the fun!

The festivities begin tomorrow March 26, 2021 at 12:01 AM PDT until April 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT, you can visit Enchanted Lands to take part in a dizzying display of tricks, pranks, and laughter!


Don't miss the new items and craftables on the merchant as you celebrate Bristlebane Day this year!

New Overseer quests and Agents

5 new quests
1 new agent

New Items and Craftables:

11 New Merchant Items sold by Bristlebane Day merchant in city tradeskill houses ? including two new armor sets!
New Tradeskill recipe book, "Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XII"!
Patchcraft creatures can be found in the following zones:

Obulus Frontier - patchcraft snapper
The Blinding - patchcraft zelniak
Aurelian Coast - patchcraft zelniak
Wracklands - patchcraft zelniak
Antonica - patchcraft thrasher
Frostfang Sea - patchcraft growler
Greater Faydark - patchcraft growler
Darklight Wood - patchcraft howler
Commonlands - patchcraft howler
Timorous Deep - patchcraft snapper

AND now be found in these additional zones

Savage Weald - patchcraft zelniak
Shadeweaver?s Thicket - patchcraft zelniak


TLE Server Features:

On Kaladim the entire event is open!

New Bristlebane Day Celebrations - High Day 4/1

Heartgar MacInnes, the Erollisi Day exchanger, is now available on this day in order to help organize loot obtained from Jester's superior gardens.
New Quest!

Riddle Mei-Theiz! - offered by Mei-theiz in Enchanted Lands, next to Imenand.

If you're a part of the more cautious crew when it comes to Bristlebane Day and all of its tricks, then you can read more about the holiday on EQ2i (http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Bristlebane_Day).

and check out the awesome work being done on EQ2 Traders Corner (http://eq2.eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=q666&menustr=080000000000) and EQ2furniture.com! (http://eq2furniture.com/index.php?item=&category=&subcategory=&type=&event=Bristlebane+Day&tier=&recipebook=&ingredient=&quest=&starter=&zone=&merchant=&faction=&mob=&awarded=&claimed=&currency=&lon=&creator=&housetype=&placement=&description=&date1=&date2=)

And remember, be on the lookout for some very special events that will occur only on April 1st! To find these, you may want to pay a visit to the Enchanted Lands.

It's time for tricks and pranks and holiday fun! Are you ready to celebrate Bristlebane Day this year?

View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/trick-or-treat-bristles-feet-bristlebane-day-has-returned.598923/)