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View Full Version : Flawless Kills Adjustments

01-15-2020, 04:08 AM

So, with all of the kinds words and positive input of the community... I have decided that there is an equal argument of keeping flawless as a scored option. Reason being is that I did announce from the beginning that flawless was going to recorded because of the lack of scoring options for this expac. But, the first few mobs of this expansion will not count towards flawless because everyone has been killing these mobs for the last month straight. There will be no points adjustments for achievements going forward. Unless there is a game breaking bug in an encounter the scoring is going to stay how it is until the next expansion when we can revisit the scoring and see if flawless scoring changed anything at all.


*ORIGINAL POST* So, I have decided to remove Flawless as a scoring factor when it comes to completing achievements. I still feel as though the rankings will be a bit crowded but a few guilds did make the argument that their guilds play across different regions and while getting a kill might be hard enough because of lag, its almost impossible to get flawless because of the ping difference. So, I can understand that being a pretty deciding factor. So, until a new method for giving guilds more points for completing content is added to the game only completing encounters will be scored. I am looking into adding in a modifier for more difficult encounters awarding more base points but that's still a ways off in progression for most guilds.