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View Full Version : Updates going all around!!!

12-09-2018, 08:11 AM
Ok, so a quick update.

Census issues were resolved a little while back. Some census designations were and remain incorrect when it came to what tier raid encounters were listed as. That led to a little confusion among guilds trying to get an idea where to go and whom to fight. I had to go back and manually change all of the guilds to right Tier level. I hope I got them all. If not, please let me know.

TLE servers have been updated to Sentinels Fate. With all of the craziness with the LIVE server census issues activating TLE completely slipped my mind. I apologize for that. Please don't hesitate to yell at me on the forums if something isn't working for more than 24 hours or isn't doing what it is supposed to be doing.