View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Webcast Replay: EQ2 Scars of the Awakened and More! AND SOE Live Regis

04-27-2013, 01:13 AM

Scars of the Awakened, EverQuest II’s Game Update 66, is just around the corner!* In this week’s webcast Windstalker, Lyndro, Maevianiu and Zoltaroth give some final details about the update and a hint about what the team will be working on next! Watch the video on Twitch TV (http://www.twitch.tv/soe/c/2207616) or YouTube (http://youtu.be/2Q9KDIIpGzQ).* (originally aired on 4/25/13)

Registration is OPEN for SOE Live!* Catch the replay of our “SOE Live Registration Opens!” webcast with Brasse, Jen, and Casey, to get details on registration, tournaments, panels, Live Quests, in-game items, the Keynotes, and MORE!* Watch the video on Twitch TV (http://www.twitch.tv/soe/c/2207593) or YouTube (http://youtu.be/zGgVOd_dpJQ).* (Originally aired on 4/25/13)

Keep an eye on*Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/SOE)*or on*Twitch*TV (http://www.twitch.tv/sonyonlinetv)*for future webcast announcements!

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