View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? April 2013 - 04-24-2013 08:20 PM

04-25-2013, 02:01 AM

Free Realms will celebrate its 4th Anniversary next week! In honor of that momentous occasion the SOE Gamers of the Month are 2 Free Realms players that dedicate themselves to that community!

We are pleased to introduce mother and daughter Zadira and Stephani! This dynamic duo is part of the guild Mystic Mayhem.

Amnerys, Community Manger from Free Realms, why have Zadira and Stephani been chosen as the April SOE Gamers of the Month?

Amnerys: Even before I was the Community Manger for Free Realms, I was familiar with the videos and community activities that Zadira and her daughter Steffy helped contribute to the community at large. Now that I’m working with the Free Realms players every day, it’s abundantly clear how much time, heart, and soul these two put into everything they do. So when it was time to nominate someone for the SOE Gamers of the Month, I was surprised to find out that they had never been recognized! It is with complete admiration and appreciation that we highlight their contributions to the community in April, the month of Free Realms’ anniversary. And I think these two just might have something new and awesome in store for the rest of the players, as well.

Now, let’s meet Zadira and Stephani!

https://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/2013/april2013gamer_th.jpg (https://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/2013/april2013gamer_lg.jpg)

Where in the real life world do you live?*

We live in the state where they grow potatoes, Idaho!

You mainly play Free Realms. How long have you played?

Zadira: I started playing Free Realms as soon as I found out about it in August, 2009.

Stephani: I started playing Free Realms in October 2009, after watching Zadira play and having so much fun.

What other games do you play?

Zadira:I enjoy playing EQ2 and Guild Wars2.

Stephani: I play Guild War2 and Webkinz.

What type of work do you do?

Zadira:I used to be a children’s librarian but now I am retired, and am the founder and admin of our fan site, freerealmsmayhem.com.

Stephani: I am currently in between jobs but am spending time, at the moment, working hard to get our new site up and running for the grand opening event on April 29th.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

Zadira: Hmm… I would say probably around three to four hours a day or more if there is something special going on in any of the games.

Stephani:*I probably spend three to five hours when I have time to go in game. It always amazing me how fast time goes by when we are having fun!

What does a typical gaming session consist of?

Zadira:In Free Realms, the first thing I do is go to Robbie’s tent and rob him of any valuables he has lying around. http://s0.wp.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif * I will then spin my daily wheels.* After that, I usually will go to my two farms and harvest the plants that have grown there overnight.* After I finish with my farms, I will go out into the wilds and harvest seeds so that I keep a good supply handy.

After I finish all of my chores for the day, it depends on what day it is, or what is on our calendar, as far as what I might do next.

We host events each month that consist of Coin Explorations, Leveling Sessions and Home Tours, to name a few.

The members on our site also host some very fun events.* We might attend a maze event, order burgers at a new restaurant, or just hang out and party at someone’s house.* We also have several games that we play and someone might randomly say in guild chat, “Hey guys! Does anyone want to play Cake Walk,*Fashion Frenzy, or Twister?”* Lots of people have the game boards set up in their lots and we will sometimes play those games for hours!

We also host a monthly birthday celebration at my race track lot for everyone celebrating a birthday during that month, whether it be a real life birthday or a Free Realms birthday.* We give out prizes for trivia questions relating to that month and hold races and give out prizes for who can run the fastest on their ninja job, who can go the fastest on their favorite ride or even who can run the fastest going barefoot backwards!

There is so much to do in the Realms!

Stephani:*My typical day in the Realms starts out much the same as Zadira’s. *I always spin my wheel and rob Robbie first thing. Next, if a guild member does not need me, if we are not filming a video, or we are not inviting a new member to the guild,*or having an event,* I enjoy running my power hour at Croaking Vale, often with guild members joining me. I always check the daily sales in the SC shop and then work on any achievements*or quests that are in my quest journal.* I try to fit farming or building in, when I can, but it doesn’t always happen. LOL

What job do you find yourself playing the most?

You can usually find us on our Adventurer or Archer.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?*

Zadira:I started out playing computer games, way back in the late 80′s.* My favorite back then was the King’s Quest series of games that was put out by Sierra Entertainment.* I really like any kind of game that gives out quests and I have to figure out how to go about accomplishing the tasks.

Stephani:*We have always been big game players, in our family, from board games to MMO’s.* The games that I enjoy playing the most are the types of games that you can play with family and friends.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing Video Games?

Zadira: Gardening is what I love doing when I can.* Up here in Idaho, we don’t have much of gardening season but I love being outdoors, planting flowers and pulling weeds, when the weather allows.

Stephani:*I enjoy gardening, reading, digital scrapbooking, traveling, and shopping for antiques.

What jobs have you maxed?* Do you have a favorite?

Zadira:I have maxed all of my jobs except Soccer and Demo Derby.* I have tried and tried to max those but I am trying to max them by finishing the quests, not just maxing for the sake of maxing, and it is taking me FOREVER!!!My poor keyboard sure does take a beating when I am working on those jobs. LOL

I think my favorite job has to be archer.* The designers did such a great job with our appearance and movement. It just makes me happy when I am in battle mode and shooting arrows at Queen Verda!

Stephani:*So far I have only maxed my combat jobs. Maxing my other jobs is something that I am currently working on. LOL*Of the combat jobs that I have maxed, Archer is my favorite.

What do you like the most about Free Realms?

Zadira:Gosh, that is really a hard question!* I love so much about this amazing game.* I think one thing that comes to mind, which is kind of boring, when you think about it, is the way the movement is in the game.* When I play any game, how I move in that game will help me decide if I want to play it, for any length of time.* So many times, I will try to play a game and it feels like I am getting dizzy and I end up not enjoying it at all.* Free Realms is so easy to move around in.* I feel in control of my character and the world around me.* Having that part of the game work well, for me, makes me want to play it over and over and over.

Stephani:*My favorite thing that I like about Free Realms is the design style of the game.* When I play other games, and I come back to Free Realms, I just love the beauty of the graphics, the bright bold colors and the detail of the game.* I also enjoy the camaraderie and the friendships I have made, from people I have met, from all around the world.

How did you choose your character’s name?*

Zadira: *When I started Free Realms for the first time and began the registration process, I really had no idea what to expect.* It was the first game, like that, I had ever played.* I did think about what my first name would be.* I wanted something that sounded kind of different.* I like names that start with the more uncommon letters so I looked through the Z’s first and saw Zadira.* I thought… hmmm, I have never heard that name before and it sounded so pretty in my head, kind of like a song or a poem so I chose it.* Then I flipped through the last name options and liked how Kindle and river seemed to go together for some reason and chose that one.* So my name was chosen from the wheel in game when I first started playing Free Realms and I have had it ever since

Now most people call me Zoo.* Quite a while back, Zadira was filtered and no one could say it in game, so Darian Spritihorn started calling me Zoo Zoo because it was easy to type and it was not filtered.* The nickname stuck and more call me Zoo than Zadira now.

Stephani:*My name in real is Stephani and my family and friends call me Steffy.* My second name, Rabbitheart, comes from my love of rabbits.* I collect them.

What is your favorite area?*

Zadira:My favorite area in Free Realms is Snowhill.* You can’t be in a bad mood if you are in Snowhill.* You just can’t!* The music there will perk you right up!

Stephani:*My favorite area in the Realms is the little island that is just northeast of Stillwater Crossing.* It has special memories from when I first started playing.* I used to always go there to hang out with friends.

What is your favorite NPC or quest line?*

Zadira:I think the Chapter One quest line is my favorite for sure!* The whole time I was doing that quest, I was just on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next and if everything would work out okay for Queen Valerian and Princess Lavender.

Stephani:**My favorite quest line has to be the one called “Fresh Ingredients.”* Sal Monella asks you to help him get fresh ingredients and in return he gives you the Sal Monella Special. You have not truly played Free Realms until you have had the opportunity to be surrounded by guild members who have all consumed Sal’s very special treat.* I have never laughed so hard.

Do you have an item that is your favorite?* Could be something your character wears, something you use in combat, or a house item? If so, what is it and why is it your favorite?*

Zadira: I have a Butterfly Bow that was given to me by two dear friends, Ravix and Tye Swordprince.* It is such a special gift and I will treasure it always.

Stephani:*My favorite item in the Realms is my pet kitty, Princess Fluffy. She has a personality all her own. She is so fun to have around, that even though I have pages of pets to choose from, I always choose her.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE Game?

We think our best experiences have come from being a part of the most amazing guild anyone could ever ask for.* *is made up of some of the most talented, energetic, creative and smart people you could ever imagine.* Every day we laugh so much our bellies ache over the fun we have in Free Realms with these people.* We find ourselves pausing so many times to think of how blessed we are to be able to meet such awesome people from all over the world who are so loyal and so supportive of our goal to have the most fun in the realms that we can.

We hear you are launching something new. What can you tell us?* What have you enjoyed the most leading up to this launch?* Can you share any challenges or perhaps a humorous story?

After we had played Free Realms for a time, we realized that there was a need for a fan site that dedicated itself to the younger players of the Realms.* There are a lot of kids who are ten, eleven and twelve years old that play this amazing game, but most did not have a place to go to be able to find out information, to learn about hints and tips that are available, and to feel safe from bullies and scammers.

We decided we should create such a place.* Together, with Darian Spirithorn and Tye Swordprince, we created a web site and a guild called Mystic Mayhem.* We had no idea how big the web site would get or how popular the guild would be.

Now, after two and half years, we have outgrown the Proboards hosted site and, with the talents of Reid Graycloak at the helm, and the help and dedication of an amazing staff, have found a new home for our wonderful guild and site members.* On April 29th, 2013 we will officially have the grand opening of* our new fan site called Free Realms Mayhem.

This new site is dedicated to being the best when it comes to sharing all the news and information, as it becomes available, about Free Realms.* We want to be supportive of the SOE Free Realms staff and try our best, to let others know, all there is to know, about how to have the most fun in the Realms.* We are going to be giving out a lot of prizes by hosting several events throughout the week before the grand opening.* We sure hope to see everyone there! http://s0.wp.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif


We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamers of the Month! If you know someone who you think has earned the title SOE Gamer of the Month, we’re looking for submissions! Let us know! **You can also meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this*link (http://forums.station.sony.com/soe/index.php?threads/soe-gamer-of-the-month-archive.11500061733/).

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