View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? March 2013 - 03-07-2013 06:37 PM

03-08-2013, 12:08 AM

EverQuest is about to celebrate its 14th anniversary, so this month when we looked to the EverQuest community for someone to highlight as an outstanding and helpful member of the community as the SOE Gamer of the Month. This month we are pleased to introduce Beimeith.

Piestro, Community Manger from EverQuest, why has Beimeith been chosen as this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month?

Beimeith is a remarkably knowledgeable player when it comes to the lore and history of EverQuest and frequently shares his knowledge with the players.* He is also a part of Project Mapquest, and has helped create some amazing maps for Rain of Fear.

Now let’s meet Beimeth!

https://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/2013/soegamer-mar-2013_th.jpg (https://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/2013/soegamer-mar-2013.jpg)

Where in real life world do you live?

I live in Southern California, about 2 hours away from San Diego, if I ever needed to drive there for, say, a free guided tour of SoE…

What SOE Game(s) do you play?

I primarily play EverQuest, though I have played EverQuest 2 and Legends of Norrath.

How long have you played the above games?

I’ve played EverQuest for almost 8 years. EverQuest 2 I only played for a few months with a friend. Legends of Norrath I mostly only play the scenarios when they come out

What other games do you play?

I play Starcraft 2, Civilization 4, and Minecraft mainly, though I do occasionally play other games like the Final Fantasy series and Legend of Zelda.

What type of work do you do?

I am currently a starving college student.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

I try not to think about it…probably at least 60. That sounds so bad.

What does a typical gaming session consist of?

Well, I play a Wizard, so a typical gaming session consists mainly of unannounced random AFKs, with a few over-aggros and unnecessary evacuations as filler.

In the SOE Games you play what do you play? Race/class/Rank/Empire etc….

I am a High Elf Wizard in EverQuest. In EverQuest 2 I was a High Elf Wizard. I’m very diverse and creative.

I do have various alts of other classes: an Iksar Warrior and Gnome Enchanter are the two I most play, though I have been leveling a Half-Elf Ranger and a Dark Elf Magician lately.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

Well, I suppose it started with my dad buying an original Nintendo (for himself) when I was a few years old. I played it more than he did so my parents later bought me this new thing called a “Gameboy.” (I still have it!) It got progressively worse from there. When it comes to MMOs, I started in 2001 when I saw a friend playing Dark Age of Camelot and I thought it looked interesting, somewhat like a multiplayer version of Final Fantasy/Legend of Zelda. I got started in EverQuest after I quit playing Dark Age and a friend of mine from high school who played EQ said I should join him if I was looking for a new game.

I like Strategy and Fantasy/Adventure games the most, though there will always be a special place in my heart for arcade style side-scrollers.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing video games?

I enjoy reading, watching movies, listening to music, and solving puzzles and logic problems. I am also teaching myself some computer programming.

What is your highest level character?

My High Elf Wizard, Beimeith, is level 100.

What do you like the most about your favorte SOE Game?

It might sound lame, but the people. Many of my better friends I met playing in EQ before I met them in person.

How did you choose your main character’s name?*

Well, when I started Dark Age of Camelot I was in a hurry to play and all of the “easy” names I could think of were already taken, so I impatiently hit the Random Name Generator button a few times and got “Beimiet.” This was the best of the options I’d seen so far, and it somewhat reminded me of Bahamut from Final Fantasy, but it needed something. I added an “h” at the end and rearranged the “ie” to “ei” so that it would be easier to remember how to spell it correctly, and thus “Beimeith” was born.

When I quit Dark Age of Camelot and started playing EverQuest I used the same name as I was already attached to it and it was something unique so I knew it wouldn’t already be taken by someone else. A fascinating tale I know.

What is your favorite zone?*

It is hard to say! There are so many zones, and each one has something unique and special about it, except water zones which are all terrible with no exception. I would probably have to go with Solteris as everything about that zone is epic. I remember the first time I zoned in thinking, “**** just got real.” Fantasy games are supposed to be about immersion, being able to put yourself into the game and pretend you are taking part in a great adventure. I get that feeling whenever I zone into Solteris.

What is your favorite NPC?*

That would be Mayong Mistmoore. Aside from having hands down the most awesome theme music in EverQuest, his sword and fighting animations are excellent, and of course, it’s Mayong!

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

I think I paid one million platinum for my Manastone. It was several years ago though when platinum was a bit less common than it is now.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

I have a bank and two houses full, haha. If I had to pick only one thing, it would be my Wand of Imperceptibility. I had to camp for weeks to get that thing to drop. You don’t throw something like that away.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE Game?

I remember shortly after the Omens of War Expansion came out everyone flocked to the Wall of Slaughter to level up and get their new AAs. The zone was so packed it took about an hour before I could get into a group, and once I finally did I didn’t want to leave. I started early in the morning and I didn’t end up leaving until three days later when the game had to come down for a patch. I did take short breaks to eat and drink, but I didn’t leave to sleep for over 72 hours. I suppose it stands out to me because I think that is the moment I can point to as realizing I was hooked on EQ.

You are very active and a strong voice within the EverQuest Community. Can you share how you got started running your websites?

Ha, if you say so.

In short, I’m opinionated, but also proactive. If I see something that I think should or needs be done, I’ll go ahead and do it.

It started when I helped a fellow EverQuest player named Karian set up a new forum for discussion outside the EQ forums. He led the direction of the site while I handled the technical and administrative part. He negotiated with the people running the Progression List at lavanet to give us control and asked me to setup the Raidwiki to allow people to post their strategies for beating raids. He retired a few months later and I assumed full control with Qulas from Realm of Insanity helping with the Progression List.

As far as the Wizards’ site, the original Graffe’s website started focusing on other games and less on Wizards, and a few years later a new website was made, EQWizards.org. I assisted in this, but when the owner retired from EQ because of a new job, he let the website lapse. I setup the EQ Wizard forums to take its place and be a repository for all things Wizard.

The EQ forums archive was something that just needed to be done. The forums had existed for over 8 years, and to lose the sheer volume of information stored there was just something I couldn’t let happen. While it isn’t perfect, being able to keep that valuable resource available is perhaps the thing I am most proud of. While SOE has kept their own archive up longer than they said they would, there is no guarantee it won’t disappear tomorrow. Having a backup is essential.

We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month! If you know someone who you think has earned the title SOE Gamer of the Month, we’re looking for submissions! Let us know!

Meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this*link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235).

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