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01-31-2013, 01:18 AM

By Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske

2013 has arrived and we have a whole 12 months of getting to know more SOE Employees! We’ve gotten to know folks in Customer Service, Marketing, Platform, Development, Facilities and more!

We are pleased to introduce Rick Reynolds, Senior Manager in the E-Commerce department here at SOE! Take a moment to find out about what a typical day in the office is like for him, what his favorite SOE game is, and other fun tidbits. As a special bonus, we include a screenshot his favorite SOE game!

Tell us about yourself! What’s your name and what do you do here at SOE? How long have you been working at SOE?

Rick Reynolds and I’ve been working at SOE for seven months.

How did you get into the industry?

I had been a computer journalist and knew a lot of people. I was in the right place at the right time and met the folks launching an amazing new console called the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer System. They invited me to help launch the console and I’ve been hooked on the games industry ever since. 19 years now.

Tell us what a typical workday is like for you.

I usually start by checking the previous day’s sales numbers for virtual goods – especially Krono, which are very interesting. Then I look at new submissions for Player Studio™ that came in the day before. I will also to check to see if any submissions are “stuck” in some phase of the system and will take steps to get them moving forward again. I design promotions and present them to the game teams, marketing, community, and customer service. I attend meetings, answer email, and update spreadsheets. And I keep up on what’s going on with the rest of the games industry – sometimes getting in a little time on a beta.

Let’s talk favorites… What is your favorite SOE game title? What is your favorite thing about that game?

EverQuest II is my favorite game and my character is my favorite thing! I play a Freeblood Ranger in EverQuest II.

If you could take an ability from in the game and have it in real life what would it be and why?

Healing. I have often wished I could heal in RL.

If you could go on vacation and money wasn’t an object, what would you do?

I would take a laptop and a summer off and would rent a villa in a small coastal town in Sicily. I’d get up every morning, sip espresso on the terrace, and then work all morning on an idea I have for a novel. Then I’d walk into town and get lunch. The afternoons and evenings would not have a plan/schedule.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be

Jacen Solo. He has walked a difficult path, but I think some of it was self-chosen and that I might have been able to take him in a healthier direction.

Do you have hobby? What’s last book you read? Do you have a TV show you are a HUGE fan of? Last movie you saw? What do you do to unwind after a busy day? What’s your favorite band/singer?

When possible, I enjoy some side participation in the wine industry including helping out during crush, wine-tasting, and selecting and pouring wine for events. I am an executive officer in a null security corporation in EVE Online. My favorite recording artist is Prince.

Enjoy this screenshot from EverQuest II, Rick’s favorite SOE Game!

https://www.soe.com/images/community/employee_spotlights/2013/Jan/Janspotlight_th.jpg (https://www.soe.com/images/community/employee_spotlights/2013/Jan/Janspot.jpg)

We hope you enjoyed meeting Rick and will join us in February for another SOE Employee Spotlight!

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