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01-10-2013, 02:02 AM

Happy New Year!* It’s a brand new year and there are tons of SOE gamers around the world to meet in 2013!

Every month, we highlight some of the most outstanding and helpful members of the community as the SOE Gamer of the Month. This month we are pleased to introduce Trexlight and SuperPatriot from DC Universe™ Online.

Ted “Mepps” Stone, Community Manager from DC Universe Online, why have Trexlight *and SuperPatriot been chosen as January’s SOE Gamers of the Month?

Mepps (M): Trex and SuperPatriot host the DCUO SourceCast. It’s a fan podcast and livestream, and they go out of their way to bring the recent news, issues, ideas, and their own insights to the greater community. They are also just a great pair of guys who love to talk DCUO, and are very accommodating and up for whatever idea for a stream we might try to throw at them. If you haven’t heard their live streams, make sure to check them out here (http://dcuosource.com/sourcecast).

Now, let’s meet Trexlight and SuperPatriot!



Where in the real life world do you live?
Trexlight (T):*Columbia, South Carolina
SuperPatriot (S): Home of the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio

What SOE Game(s) do you play?
T: DC Universe Online (PC and PS3) and PlanetSide 2.
S:*DCUO is the first SOE game that I’ve played.

How long have you played the above games?
T: DCUO since launch day, and Planetside 2 since Beta.
S: Since the beta release on PS3.

What other games do you play?
T: Ohhh lets see, there’s The Secret World, RaiderZ, Tribes Ascend, Smite, WWE 13 (Xbox 360), Random PS3 games (haven’t touched much, LOL).
S: Dragon Age, Assassin’s Creed series, Uncharted series, God of War, Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, and Battlefied 3. *I used to play a mean bass on Guitar Hero, but my band broke up.

What type of work do you do?
T: I run a Gaming Youtube Channel, youtube.com/trexlight.
S: Nothing really worth talking about aside from raising my kids.

The New Year is upon us! Do you have a “Gamer’s Resolution?”
T: My Gamer’s Resolution would have to be to play a few games with Developers. It’s a tall order but I dream big.
S: I’m looking at hopefully playing some DCUO on the PC in the future. *Especially to get on the Test Server to try and break whatever I can find in new content. lol *I also want to try and help grow the competitive pvp community in DCUO.

What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in game in 2013?* In real life?
T: In game, I want to get back to being a regular Raider. In real life, I am looking forward to continuing the success my Channel has had in 2012 and have a better relationship with the Gaming Community and Developers.
S: Oh man, that’s kind of hard to answer. *As far as feats and gear are concerned, I’ve pretty much gotten everything you can get to date in the game. *What I’m mostly concentrating on now is working with some other players to grow the PvP side of the community and make it more welcoming to fresh names looking to get more involved in competitive arenas. *The combat in this game can be so fast paced in PvP and can make for some very exciting and fun moments. *I think a lot of people are missing out on these moments for several reasons, *one of them being a lack of experience or knowledge with some of the tactics being used. *That’s what I’m hoping to do in the game right now.

In real life, I’d like to get more involved in the gaming community as a whole; if I could get to the point where I could cover games as a sole source of income that would be my dream job. LOL.

How many hours a week do you play video games?
T: Over 40 hrs of playing, about 30 of that is recording for the Channel.
S: Probably a lot more than I should be. LOL

What does a typical gaming session consist of?
T: Running around doing Daily Quests and running some instances. Other sessions are planned with whatever content I need to record and walk players through. I love doing Walk-throughs.
S: I’ve always said that the key to grinding feats in DCUO is a matter of setting goals, so I make sure I knock out whatever daily content I want to get done. *At first it was challenges and then duos. *Now it’s an alert or two. *After my dailies are done, most of my time on the game is spent either farming exobits.

In the SOE Games you play what do you play? Race/class/Rank/Faction etc….
T: DCUO I play with all the Powers but mainly the Fire Tank Role. PlanetSide 2 I’m finding Engineer fun but haven’t found that Class that suits me yet.
S: In DCUO, there is so much to do with the powers and factions we have available. *I have 14 total characters right now with at least one of each power split between the hero and villain sides. *I’ve still only had enough time or put in the work to get 3 of my alts capable of running T4 content. *I mostly play on the hero side as that’s where my main is.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?*
T: Father coming home with the original Atari and handing me Frogger, Missile Commander and my Uncle gave me Journey: The Game. Oh yeah,*nothing better. I tend to stay with playing RPGs, rarely do I find FPS games fun but I found 2 games so far. I can’t nor will I ever say no to Rock Band or Guitar Hero or my wrestling games.
S: It’s hard to say what first really got me into gaming, but I can say my first console was an Atari 2600. The games I like to play the most depend on the game and what I’m in the mood for. *I love multi-player games like DCUO and FPS, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of RPGs and RTS games.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing Video Games?
T: I produce and co-host 2 podcasts, DCUO SourceCast and Nerds of the Apocalypse.* Watch too many movies for my own good (it’s scary the useless movie knowledge I’ve collected). I also read comic books, like that wasn’t obvious, LOL. Huge Green Lantern fan, but I support my Red Lanterns http://s0.wp.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
S: I still like to read. *Yes, actual books. *I also like to play golf while I’m drinking beer.

What is your highest level character?
T: I have a few lvl 30s on DCUO. I played World of Warcraft for 5 years and reached lvl 85, quit after that lol
S: All of my characters in DCUO are level 30, but the character I’ve accomplished or “leveled” the most would be Superpatriot sitting at full T4 Tank and DPS for PVE and full T4 for PvP with an 89 CR and 141 skill points.

What do you like the most about your favorite SOE Game?
T: DCUO brought a new direction to MMOs with it being more action-oriented instead of being another Hotkey MMO, very refreshing and also having DC Comics characters helped too.
S: The PvP and playing with the friends I’ve made in DCUO. *Whether it’s in open world or arenas, I love mixing it up with other players in this game especially when I’m either stopping by a leveling area to clear gankers or fighting over an exobit.

How did you choose your main character’s name?*
T: My original main was Trexlight and I chose Sorcery (now has Earth Power) but I found Fire Tanking so much fun so I changed to Black Ember after doing my first videos. Ember became popular so I just went with him being my star.
S: I’m a huge fan of a certain shield using comic book character and wanted a character based around that same theme, but didn’t want to make a clone. *I also really like the Amalgam comic series that came out a few years ago and the SuperSoldier. *That was more of an inspiration for my main and his name than anything. *The name Superpatriot isn’t that original, but fit him perfectly. *I tend to put too much thought into my characters and their names, but the old tabletop RPG player in me won’t let me do it any other way. lol

What is your favorite zone?*
T: Back from my World of Warcraft days, I loved the jungle area of Stranglethorn. I like to hunt.
S: I like Gotham and Metropolis a lot and it all depends on the character that I’m playing on at the time. *For my main, Metropolis is where it’s at for me. *Just love the skyline and epic feeling when looking down on the city from above.

What is your favorite NPC?*
T: With the newly released 25th Century Communicator out now, I have to say Servo. Just funny to have out at all times.
S: I’m probably one of the few people that actually liked the Booster Gold exploration kiosks before the voice actor was changed. *I really like the new Servo trinket though. *The dialogue for him is gold.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?*
T: 5 million Gold back in World of Warcraft….it was for a mount….these were dark days.
S: Oh man. *The economy has been so messed up on the USPS3 for so long I’m kind of embarrassed by how much money I’ve dropped in the broker. *I’d have to say any of the Arkham Asylum collections. *Probably dropped about $20 million total on them.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?*
T: Going back to WoW memories again. It was the Tier .5 set, can’t remember the name but it was a set that most raiders skipped because it took doing quests, making items, running hard content just a mixture most people didn’t want to deal with. I still have the entire set on my Druid because I became a guild leader for about 8 months, running it was great and had a lot of fun. We weren’t ready for raiding gear wise and so I took upon myself to become one of the first Bear Tanks the guild has seen and set out to help my guild all complete the Tier .5 set before doing the first raid. Proudest moment as a gamer was completing this set, leading a guild of over 60 people and everyone having fun and setting an example amongst players with being a Bear Main Tank when during that time, it wasn’t something known as being a smart choice.
S: As a matter of fact, I still have my very first raid weapon I got from Outer Caverns. *It’s the Tank One hander Claymore. *Never getting rid of it.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE Game?
T: Having such a great league, Suit Up, support me and my endeavors.* They are understanding that I record all the runs we do to help the DCUO Community. These guys are great players and great friends and I have been very fortunate to be with them.
S: It has to be working with my league to put together the scenes that I used for my “This is War” video I did for when Megaservers first hit. *A lot of work and time went into that video in-game as much as out and it’s still one of my favorite videos I’ve done.

You really went above and beyond when you started hosting the DCUO SourceCast. Can you fill us in on how you got started? How many casts have you done to date?*
T: Its story time already? I’ll try and keep it short for the readers It started with an idea from a guy named Durraken who helped Moderate the DCUO Source website. I offered my services because I thought it would be cool to do. After months of seeing people come in and out doing the project and nothing recorded, we had TC89, Thomas Curren, my first co-host joined in and he and I sat down, got the first format together and we recorded our first episode. The DCUO Source website then went down but TC89 and I were determined to keep it going. I found a way to get the shows hosted and we kept going. Months later it was Episode 12 that we introduced SuperPatriot as the new co-host to the show due to TC89 going to Marine Basic Training. The SourceCast has been a really huge trip for me and the success we have had with it is many thanks to the fans, to the guys from the DCUO Show and DCUO Unlimited. As of right now as I type this we just finished doing our LiveCast of our 47th Episode. As we continue on, we plan to have our 50th Episode on January 11th, the 2 Year Anniversary for DC universe Online. Supes and I are working on making it a great show.

S: I should first say that I wasn’t there for when the Sourcecast got started. *That was all Trex and TC who got it going and were the original hosts. *I had heard a few of their podcasts over the first couple months after launch and one day stopped by the DCUO Source website and saw on the forums that TC was going to be leaving the show to go to basic training and they were looking for somebody to co-host with Trex. *I had just started doing actual commentary on my videos about a month prior to this and saw it as an opportunity to get more exposure for my YouTube channel and to bring some of my game knowledge to the show for others to learn from and maybe learn some things myself.

Things just fell into place for us after that. *We did some really good work on the SourceCast for a while and then Trex and I both moved over to the DCUO Show for a little while before starting the SourceCast back up. *Since we started it back up, the show has just gotten more and more popular and we’ve been very fortunate to have Mepps come on several times as well as Jens Andersen and Larry Liberty on a couple occasions. *It’s been such a great experience for me getting to do SourceCast with Trex who, regardless of what he says, does all the real work involved with the show. *I just show up to talk about PvP.

We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamers of the Month! If you know someone who you think has earned the title SOE Gamer of the Month, we’re looking for submissions! Let us know!

Meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this*link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235).

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