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10-31-2012, 02:01 AM

By Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske

Happy Halloween! We are celebrating by meeting another SOE Employee! We want you to get to know folks in Platform, Human Resources, Development, Legal, Quality Assurance, Office Operations, Customer Service, Administration and Marketing, just to name a few.

Each month the Community Team will highlight one of SOE’s many diverse employees. Please meet Kyle Sandsmark, Digital Planner & Marketing Coordinator at SOE! Take a moment to find out about what a typical day in the office is like for him, what his favorite SOE game is, and other fun tidbits. As a special bonus, we include a screenshot from his favorite SOE game!

Tell us about yourself! What’s your name and what do you do here at SOE? How long have you been working at SOE?

My name is Kyle Sandsmark and I have been working with SOE since January 2012. I am part of the marketing team here at SOE and I lend support to all of our titles. Lately I have been working more on our newer titles like Wizardry Online and Dragon’s Prophet and I also help manage our titles on the PlayStation Network.


How did you get into the industry?

This is my first job in the industry. My marketing background includes working for a several marketing agencies, nonprofits, and most recently working in the fitness industry. Even though I am new to this industry I have really enjoyed my time and I am excited to continue learning new things. The thing I enjoy the most about this industry is that it never stops. There is always something going on.

Tell us what a typical workday is like for you.

A typical workday for me starts out by looking at the previous day’s numbers for each title. One of the things I do in assisting all titles is looking at how each game is performing. It is pretty interesting to look at the reports and see any trends that are building. From there, I will see what work needs to be done specifically for Wizardry Online, Dragon’s Prophet and our titles on the PlayStation Network.
For Wizardry Online and Dragon’s Prophet, I am part of a team that makes sure everything is moving along to get these titles to beta and eventually launch. For our PSN titles, I oversee promotions that we run and make sure everything is set up properly. I really enjoy that I get to be a part of all the titles here at SOE.

We just finished up SOE Live, what was your favorite part?

This was my first SOE Live and I really enjoyed it. From getting there on Wednesday to leaving on Sunday it was nonstop fun. It is hard to pick my one favorite part about SOE Live but I would have to say it was the costume contest. There were some amazing costumes and I couldn’t believe how long it took for some of those costumes to be created. For me, I was very happy to get my picture with Batman and Bane.

Let’s talk favorites… What is your favorite SOE game title? Do you have a favorite place you love to go in that game? Is there something about that game that keeps you logging back in?

My favorite SOE game is PayDay: The Heist. I like PayDay because I spend a lot of time working on it and it reminds me of the movie Point Break, one of my all time favorites. FPS titles are my favorite genre of games and it is pretty cool that I can transform into a bank robber and steal money. My favorite heist has to be the bank heist although I do enjoy play the new heists from the Wolfpack DLC: Counterfeit and Undercover.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?

If I could be any fictional character I would want to be Iron Man. Who wouldn’t want to be Tony Stark? He has everything… money, intelligence, and he can fly. Enough said.

PlanetSide 2 what empire do you play?

NC for life. They have the best weapons (who doesn’t like shotguns), coolest colors (real men don’t wear purple), and they fight for freedom! Plus, we have Higby’s hair on our side.

Do you have a hobby? What’s last book you read? Last movie you saw? What do you do to unwind after a busy day?

I got a lot of hobbies but if I had to narrow them down I would say they are: playing or watching any sport, hanging out with friends and family, and going to the beach. My favorite TV show of all time has to be Friends and if I could meet any famous person I would say Howard Schultz. I would like to pick his brain about how he was able to turn something so small like a cup of coffee and turn that into an experience and a lifestyle.

Enjoy this screenshot from PAYDAY, Kyle’s favorite SOE Game!

http://www.soe.com/images/community/employee_spotlights/oct2012/employeespotlight-oct2012_sm.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/employee_spotlights/oct2012/employeespotlight-oct2012.JPG)

We hope you enjoyed meeting Kyle and will join us next month for another SOE Employee Spotlight!

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