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View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Supports San Diego Pride - 08-02-2012 05:09 PM

08-03-2012, 12:14 AM
By Donna “Danicia” Prior

For the 3rd year in a row, SOE participated in the San Diego Pride (http://www.sdpride.org/) weekend. Not only was SOE participating, but we partnered with other divisions of Sony, too. We spent the weekend with volunteers from Sony Computer Entertainment America, (http://us.playstation.com/corporate/about/), Sony Corporation of America, (http://www.sony.com/SCA/index.shtml)*Sony Electronics (http://www.sony.com/SCA/outline/electronics.shtml), *Sony Pictures (http://www.sony.com/SCA/outline/pictures.shtml), and Sony Music (http://www.sony.com/SCA/outline/sonymusic.shtml) at both the Pride Parade (http://www.sdpride.org/parade.htm) and the Pride Festival (http://www.sdpride.org/festival.htm).

http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/pride1.jpg?w=500&h=292Team SOE at the San Diego Pride Parade

We spent hours walking in the parade, handing out a variety of games, blue-ray movies, mini-speakers, and more. People were excited about receiving freebies, but the best part was the crowd shouting out to us, happy we were there, supporting our employees and families.

http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/pride2.jpg?w=500&h=375The Sony Banner in the parade

After we handed out all the freebies, we finished up the parade. Many of us headed to the festival to start our volunteer shifts in the Sony booth. Once we arrived, we were welcomed by shade, a great DJ, and the volunteers who took the opening shift.

http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/pride5.jpg?w=500&h=281SOE is on the left between the car and the Playstation

My favorite part was being greeted by John Smedley. He was handing out DCUO lanyards and PlanetSide 2 beta keys/dog tags. We had a large screen set up to show all our game trailers, plus some Vaio laptops to feature more in-depth videos of the games. The other Sony stations set up were to show off the tablets, mobile phones, laptops, Playstations, and more.

http://stationblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/pride3.jpg?w=500&h=887Danicia, the Pride Wench of SOE

We met many people who play our games, including quite a lot of DC Universe Online and PlanetSide players! Many others had never heard of our games, so it was great to recommend different games, from Free Realms to EverQuest 2. A few even asked about EQ Next, but we can’t repeat what we told them!

Want to see our photo album from the events? Click here: Click here (http://on.fb.me/MDOyml) to see our SD Pride Album on Facebook. Watch a quick video of the Sony booth here (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151113909396293).

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