By: Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske

The Community Team would like to introduce the March 2012 SOE Gamer of the Month,*Petulant from EverQuest II.

In the near future you may also hear answers to questions she submitted for an SOE Podcast!

Where in the real life world do you live (city and state)?*

I live in Jennings, Louisiana.

What SOE game(s) do you play?*

EverQuest II

How long have you played the above game(s)?*

I’ve played about 4 years.

Why would you like to be the SOE Gamer of the Month?*

I think it would be cool to be SOE Gamer of the Month to bring more attention to EQ2. It really is a fabulous game.

What do you do for a living?*

I own a cleaning service

How many hours a week do you play video games?

I play the game about 3 or 4 hours a day, and more on weekends. =)

Tell us about your character(s).*

I have a level 90 high elf warlock named Petulant. She is my ultimate work on EQ2. I have to do everything for her, all quests, all appearance items. I love playing her and have never gotten tired of playing her in 4 years.

How did you get into gaming?*

Well actually my ex husband got me into it, got rid of him but kept my EQ2 =)

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing video games?*

Well actually my ex-husband got me into it. Got rid of him but kept my EQ2! =)

What do you like the most about your favorite SOE game?*

What I like most about EQ2 is the immersion of the game. The lore makes you really care what is happening in the world of Norrath. It’s such a richly historic place with memorable NPCs. The graphics are very good, also. The quests are relevant and nothing is so easy to where there is no challenge, and I like that.

What’s the first thing you do when you log into your game? Do you have a routine?

Well, with the Age of Discovery expansion I log in and go straight to my research assistant, do the coaching and daily quest, then I check my bags, sell if I need to…repair if I need to (most of the time I do), then check my quest journal or get an instance group together and start adventuring.

Let’s talk favorites… What is your favorite item? What is your favorite zone? What about your favorite NPC? Do you have a favorite in-game memory?

Item (is there one you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons?)

The Arm of Mithaniel– Mage reward from the Qeynos Claymore timeline…love the appearance.


Can’t say I have one specific favorite zone, maybe Veeshans Peak would be up there because you really had to work and your end reward was your mythical weapon at level 80. That is a a real accomplishment.


Nathan Ironforge. I don’t understand why everyone wants to hurt that little child. =) Now that kid from the Isle of Mara…I could strangle him, lol.

In-game Memory

Oh wow, tons of memories, so many good times raiding and playing with friends…I have one guildy that no matter where I am if I am AFK he finds me and sets up a Lovers Gazebo around me.. So when I come back there it is and for a long time I didn’t know it was him doing it, good times.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on a single item?*

Probably around 200 platinum on a dagger from Echoes of War.

If you could have a superpower or a spell/ability from the game you play, what would it be?*

Definitely invisibility! =)

If there was one thing you could tell the SOE community about yourself, what would it be?*


Learn how YOU can be the SOE Gamer of the Month by heading over to this*link!

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