SOE has tons of gamers around the world! Every week we highlight one of them. This week we are pleased to introduce: Petaris from Star Wars Galaxies.

Where in the real life world do you live?

Someplace in southern Germany

What SOE game(s) do you play?

Star Wars Galaxies. I’ve played EQ2 once.

How long have you played the above game(s)?

I’ve started playing SWG in August 2004 and took some longer, some shorter breaks. EQ2 was a two month trip.

What other games do you play?

It depends on my work schedule and motivation. FPS and action games require the least amount of time of getting worked into, and permit interruption more easily than RPG.

To name a few: Team Fortress 2, Quake, Battlefield Series, Unreal Tournament.

Strategy games I enjoy the most are Age of Empires and the C&C Series (Tiberium Wars being my favourite).

One type of genre I absolutely miss is space simulation. In 2003, Freelancer was the last viable choice, and the JTL expansion has ever since covered up this loss. I still wish someone would make a great space sim with a well thought-out story.

What type of work do you do?

I work as film editor and enjoy my education at a regional TV broadcasting station.

Do you listen to the Official SOE Podcast? What do you like best about it?

I’m afraid haven’t listened to it.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

20-30 hours on a regular week. On weekdays I barely have motivation to play, hence most of these hours accumulate on weekends

In the SOE games you play, what kind of character do you play? Race/class/Rank/Faction, etc.

In the abovepicture is my main character Petaris and he’s a Zabrak! I play him on different servers as Imperial smuggler. He is constantly on duty, patrolling the galaxy for dirty Rebels and guiding unbelievers to the path of righteousness and salvation. Hallowed are the Ori!
When I’m not on him, I play medic with a passion. During PvP, it is one of the most rewarding professions, as you get immediate feedback from other players when you fail at your job to keep the troops up (if everyone stays alive it is most of the time not honoured )
Another fun profession to play is Officer, however Smuggler usually wins my favour with ease.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

Age of Empires is the game which got me into gaming. I have spent many hours on building my own impenetrable fort while raising a giant army to steamroll my opponents.

Command and Conquer allowed me to do the same. Over time I have spread my interests and found enjoyment in FPS and RPG games as well.

For my game likings, see above

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing video games?

Hm… Playing video games was mentioned already, right?

I like watching movies of all kind, be it for a great story, its editing or simply for unsophisticated entertainment reasons. If you haven’t watched Inception yet, do it! It’s genius on many levels (literally!)

When I’m not watching movies, I listen to music. There’s nothing better than starting a day with music. If I feel bored, mellow, sad or angry, there has been already someone at that point and made a song or composed music.

When not playing, I spend my time on creating artwork with 3ds Max, After Effects and Photoshop.

While playing SWG, I have become interested in making videos about the game, an idea for a movie suddenly struck me and I couldn’t get rid of it until it was realized.

Most my SWG videos are uploaded on

I recently read when you are willing to spend all efforts on committing to doing your job without being interested in payment and it is fun (!), and then you have made the right decision.

After school, I decided to turn my hobby, my passion, into earning my living and I have never regretted this decision.

What is your highest level character?

I am very close to reach level 91 on my SWG characters. Seriously though, all are level 90.

What do you like the most about your favorite SOE game?

It is the choice to login and do something, or do nothing and see what happens!

Although I have a tunnel view for PvP and fade out all other aspects of the game, SWG is great for its community. There is always someone around for a chat, and even sight seeing (using the eyes of a newbie) can refresh your memories!

What’s the first thing you do when you log into game? Do you have a routine?

I log both my accounts, invite my Officer with an alt and then drop Tac stims for my characters. Then I switch through all galaxies until every character is supplied with stims.

While switching through the servers, I make up my mind on which galaxy to play and get ready for PvP.

How did you choose your main character’s name?

My main’s original name used to be D’arth Pombaer (D’arth to bypass the name filter and Pombaer is some German crisps), and the first day ever since it has been my main goal to unlock Jedi which I finally became in the early CU. When bored, I roleplayed the reincarnated Darth Maul.

However, the decline of my home server forced me out and unfortunately my name was already taken on the destination server.

So it happened during this time that I watched the Stargate SG1 series and was impressed by the superiority of the Ori during the last seasons.

After research I settled for Petaris to be my main’s name and begun to spread the teachings of Origin throughout the galaxy!

What is your favorite zone? What is your favorite location within that zone?

My favourite zone is Mustafar. It reminds me of my last days as Jedi during the CU, and one epic battle that has been between me and Lord Vartonis – and when going through the Mustafar quests on a new character, it is the quest I look forward to do!

Needless to say, I betrayed Obi Wan and took the Force Crystal for myself.

UNLIMITED POWER! (who would resist speed and damage increase?)

What is your favorite NPC? Why?

My favourite NPC is the one I can call myself as smuggler. He is a medic and supposed to heal me, yet most of the time he runs away after the first heal and fights the person who shot him with some AoE attack.

On rare occasions though, when I believe everything is lost and my death is imminent, he throws a heal at the right time and recovers me from being incapacitated.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

Not a single item, but trading a highly valued. It was a 5.200 max Damage level 10 space gun (~300 million), and I traded it for some great l8 YPR engines.

If it’s a single item, then I’d say 80 million for a lvl7 shield with 13,8k mass!

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

Hm. I am not attached to nostalgic possessions. I keep items with real use.

However, there is some item that no one can sell or buy. It is the waypoint in my datapad to my old Jedi Force trainer in Doaba Guerfel, he was a Brawler trainer!

Although he ceased to exist, I still know where to find him if he was there.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE game?

I’ve had a few ups and downs and don’t remember every single one.

The best one I had in most recent time was meeting up with an old friend on his server.

We haven’t played together ever since our server was closed, and spent some time chatting. I decided to grind a new character to play on his server, and he not only helped me with gear, but also going through hell of levelling, which I hate most in SWG.

He spent many hours on healing me and keeping me alive, although he could’ve done something else.