Shirra’s Fan Faire Recap
By Shirra – German Community Relations Rep
2010 was MY FIRST Fan Faire year and had so much fun!! Besides going to Vegas and getting to party with my co-workers, I got to meet lots and lots of you players! I had a blast meeting this diverse group of players that I almost felt a little bit guilty… I mean, shouldn’t work feel like, you know, WORK???!!!
As you can see, I made a few new friends.

Shirra, a loyal EQII Player, Soffrina and Ima, our International Customer Service Manager

Shirra and her good old friend Troopi
Fan Faire 2010 was truly an international affair. Fans from all over the world made the trip. Can you believe that some people flew in all the way from Norway or Iraq?
So, you think you’re the biggest fan??? You’ve got some competition!! Here are some of our international players who attended the Fan Faire.

On the left is my dwarven boss Brasse! Who doesn’t want a boss like that?!

Speaking of competition… check out the amazing costume contest we had on Saturday!

…and look who the Fan Faire guest picked as their favorite. How is it possible to look creepy AND cute at the same time? You should have seen his dance moves.

Can you guess who this scary demon is?
It’s Terris Thule herself! She felt especially evil that weekend and decided to stop by for the EQ Live Quest at the Fan Faire …. and to cause some trouble, of course.

I hope I will see you all 2011 again…and maybe some new faces!

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