By:*Luke Bultman -*Producer*PoxNora

Hi All,

As many of you know, Endless Wonder Legends II launched yesterday. We were very happy that we could open the server up earlier than expected! I trust those of you that entered at that time enjoyed it, too.* Hopefully, the content is very exciting and entertaining for you all. I know I’m having fun with my spider UD build that I got to try out on a few of you yesterday.

Thank you to everyone for posting comments and thoughts in*What are your top 5 request in Pox?*forum thread.* Now it’s time to deliver on those to you all.* It’s our plan to launch our next expansion in mid to late September 2012.* In the month of August and early September, we’ll be working on some much needed improvements to the game – one of which we’re hoping will be moving the rune manager in game and taking it off of the website.**The exact release of the in game rune manager is yet to be determined, but as we progress we’ll share screen shots with you about how it’s coming along, and exactly when you can expect to see it.

I’m also happy to share that we are going to renew our focus in taking one day a week during our work schedule to spend time squashing pre-existing bugs that are still out there, what we like to call bug fix Friday.* This means that weekly server restarts will usually take place the following Wednesday or Thursday, publishing any bug fixes from that effort.* These are different from any balance patches Sok may share.**We appreciate everyone’s patience as we tackle these issues that can affect your gameplay experience.

In closing, you can expect to continue seeing monthly deals and possible promotions coming your way throughout the month(s) and more community driven contests for rune art and story lore in the future.

Thanks for the support.


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